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gslavik t1_iu2o0sd wrote

Thank you. I would add that it is just the sheriff's office ... I am sure Philly PD and other PDs (across the country) have similar gun disappearing issues.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2pnww wrote

Definitely. Even the military and National Guard have a problem with guns disappearing from time to time (although they tend to keep better track of their gear than the police do).


gslavik t1_iu2u91f wrote

Reminds me of the recent story where people bought a milsurp box and it came complete with rifles ...


BureaucraticHotboi t1_iu2wqu2 wrote

Yeah the sheriffs office in Philly is even worse and less controlled because they are an superfluous law enforcement agency. For all their problems PPD could absorb the duties of the sheriffs office and civil servants could do the rest they literally don’t have a law enforcement mandate except guarding court houses and transporting some prisoners to court. But we have PPD and a robust (of understaffed) corrections department they could be absorbed by both instead they are a patronage hole for people who can’t get hired by other agencies


heili t1_iu3x15l wrote

Guns, drugs and money tend to grow legs in evidence lockers.