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vasquca1 t1_iu9fx3w wrote

Lol. Her name is Ronna. That was probably her qualification for the job. MUST have not been scared of Corona virus and refuse to wear mask. Her response to that question was "Honey, my first name is Ronna".


LordFarquaad_theG t1_iu9i5no wrote

Ms.Piggy really shouldn't be making fun of anyone.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_iuarh6m wrote

So you're mad the she's being abelist, so you make fun of her appearance?

Y'all are hypocrites.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iuax08x wrote

They go low we go high.

Excpet we tried that, and it didnt work


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_iuax9lq wrote

Yep, nothing like giving up morals to roll in the mud with pigs.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iuayle3 wrote

Well, its yeah


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_iuaz54t wrote

Yeah, it's not.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iuazfmg wrote

It is tho.

Morals dont matter in politics

When your choices are

Healthcare reform or.....gilead


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_iub1cok wrote

I feel bad for you.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iub3spq wrote

No you dont. Nor should you. Nor do i want you to.

You should pay more attention. And get angry. Because you will lose your rights (clarence thomas actually said this)


Ifoughtallama t1_iu9vdel wrote

She certainly has an ugly mug, but fuck John Fetterman he’s gonna lose lol


stahleo t1_iu8xdj1 wrote

Having a stroke is a medical condition, not a disability. Stop coddling our elected officials.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iu93zuw wrote

Sure pal.

A stroke is a medical condition that may cause a disability.

I hope you dont lose your job and become homeless because you have a stroke and your employmer/clients dont want to do buisness with you over something you cant control.


Acceptable_Scar6679 t1_iub6vq8 wrote

We don't owe fetterman a job, I want a senator who understands spoken words.


Rich-Attitude6308 t1_iueeub4 wrote

And I want a senator who actually has a plan?

Once Oz wins he’s just gonna disappear like most ‘politicians’ like him.


psufan34 t1_iug45af wrote

And I want a senator that isn’t an ex military member of a dictatorship that refuses to give up his dual citizenship.


Acceptable_Scar6679 t1_iug5b2y wrote

Lolz what a bigot... I know what you people are doing when you keep repeating Mehmet in the commercials.


psufan34 t1_iug8q3h wrote

So glad you rubbed your only two brain cells together and the best comeback you came up with was to call me a bigot. If Oz really gave a shit about running for office, he would have relinquished his dual citizenship and ran in Jersey. I’ll do you one better even, if he actually gave a shit about this country, he would have served the AMERICAN military.


Acceptable_Scar6679 t1_iug9odt wrote

I'm not reading any of your replies.


psufan34 t1_iugac32 wrote

Great. Not surprised. You’re probably busy storming the capitol or committing hate crimes.


stahleo t1_iuap5o6 wrote

Fetterman is running for public office. He doesn't have to run. This is his decision to remain in the race. Stop trying to conflate the former versus someone being unlawfully terminated due to a disability; these instances are categorically different.

EDIT: I have more comments criticizing Fetterman in my history. Feel free to paste any in this thread, even though they bear no relevance in this conversation, but you do you, Reddit sleuth.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iuaxf1h wrote

Its his decision because he is absolutely fine

Cool. So you being a tax attorney, no clients should ever do buisness with you because fox news has compeltely brainwashed you into ever doing your job correctly right?

Is that true? No, of course not.

But it doesnt need to be right? All i have to do is believe it. Doesnt matter if you can do your job well. I still "believe" that you are incapable.


stahleo t1_iuc8mbz wrote

But he's not "absolutely fine." He had a stroke and he can't even articulate his thoughts in a complete sentence, let alone deliberate on the senate floor.

My profession has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation, but good attempt at gaslighting me.

Fetterman is an absolute piece of shit (as are you), and the voters of Pennsylvania will make their voice heard on November 8th. He will not win.


Rich-Attitude6308 t1_iuefot2 wrote

“Fetterman is a piece of shit”

Brother he’s going against Oz? The voters of Pennsylvania won’t think far enough ahead to realize Oz has NO idea what he is doing.

Just because someone had a stroke, and they can’t rebuttal in 60 seconds, doesn’t mean they can’t run in office. Just like how Oz can speak well, that doesn’t mean he will be good in office.

Like always he will win, and people will regret voting him in after a year. Pennsylvanians have a habit of self-sabotage.


tehmlem t1_iu91l4b wrote

So where's the line between those in your mind? How often do the two exist separately?


pmabraham t1_iu8t41o wrote

And yet

The bottom line is that IT IS NOT ableist to state a blind person cannot be a pilot and it is not ableist to state a person who cannot form complete comprehendible sentences, who needs all material in writing, and who has a history (long before the stroke) of being lazy (living off his parents for decades, not showing up for a job paying close to $180,000 per year from TAXPAYERS) is not capable of a being a senator!


RoyOfCon t1_iu8uf6v wrote

Nothing like backing up your opinion with a link to another man’s opinion.


tehmlem t1_iu8y474 wrote

But it's on youtube! They did their own research!


pmabraham t1_iu947ye wrote

So you cannot have your own opinion based on your own research and find a video that backs up pre-existing beliefs to share?


Rich-Attitude6308 t1_iueg3r4 wrote

Right wing ‘research’ consists of YouTube videos of people spewing shitty opinions, that often have no basis in reality.

Sure have your opinion but don’t act like it’s fact, unless you have actual reliable sources to back up what you’re saying.


pmabraham t1_iu947r0 wrote

So you cannot have your own opinion based on your own research and find a video that backs up pre-existing beliefs to share?


RoyOfCon t1_iu968o6 wrote

Did I say any of that? Do whatever you want, no one is keeping you from doing anything you just mentioned. Feel free to show the world what you really think about people with physical disabilities.


[deleted] t1_iu924ul wrote



pmabraham t1_iu94br2 wrote

And Fetterman has a history of being a BUM prior to the stroke. Your point? He will only be a puppet but maybe that's what the democrats want as they have a puppet in Biden.


[deleted] t1_iu9c0a1 wrote



pmabraham t1_iua2sik wrote

Lower middle class who came from the working poor.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iuaxna5 wrote

Then why you voting for a billionaire who got rich off of exploiting people like you?


pmabraham t1_iubafcz wrote

I'm voting for someone who will show up for work consistently, work a full day or longer consistently, and who knows the more government that is involved the more corruption, inflation, etc.


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iu9ok57 wrote

No we actually believe in fetterman because we followed his career for over a decade...


pmabraham t1_iua2oxf wrote

Lol.... his career over a decade... Where he works part time when he shows up? Where he pushes policies similar to Biden that has spiked inflation and crime?


Odd_Description_2295 OP t1_iuaun8h wrote

Um, im not sure what you are refering to,

Im actually im talking about how he worked as a mayor in a dead and abandoned rustbelt town, that was mostly boarded up and was an environmental disaster. No one was living there.

And transformed the town by bringing in buisness and affordable housing while keeping out over developers.

You must be thinking of mehmet oz.

And being that crime and inflation has increased because of the pandemic, globally, im very curious to see how biden influences inflation in places like sweden and the uk


pmabraham t1_iubakwt wrote

Please DOUBLE CHECK the dead town where he was a mayor that is destitute. Would you lie there?


Unparty t1_iu93rf6 wrote

Wdym? Did you see this sub after the debate?

The only flailing and damage control is being done by Fetterman supporters


[deleted] t1_iu9d02b wrote



Unparty t1_iu9hhpx wrote

What do you mean you guys? I don’t support either candidate. But every post-debate poll I’ve seen so far shows Oz up, so naturally it is the dems who are flailing


[deleted] t1_iua1ftv wrote



Unparty t1_iua20i1 wrote

You can literally see in my comment history that I said “I hate Oz, I’d vote for Fetterman over him if I lived in PA”

Lmao. You guys are actually batshit insane partisans. This is why the independent vote is going for Oz- because you guys sound no better than the Trump election deniers. Keep preaching to the Reddit choir though, I guess being surrounded by people who upvote your views all day helps you feel better about the race.

All the mean scary Republicans are ableists- are all independents too?


[deleted] t1_iua7hkg wrote



Unparty t1_iua849f wrote

It’s certainly your opinion that the Senate “is in far better hands” with the Democrats, but I suppose that’s what elections are for right? At this point it looks like the majority believe that to be false.

Let me ask you this rhetorical question, since you like to play dumb games:

Should JF release his medical records? Everyone is claiming he is doing fine, but none of you, not a single one of you, knows the extent of his stroke. We cannot possibly know because he has refused to release those records, much like Trump’s taxes.

I’m sure you protested then. So how about now, Mr. Partisan?


[deleted] t1_iuacjwc wrote



Unparty t1_iuad28s wrote

You don’t understand the point of him releasing his medical records? But it was totally important to see Trump’s tax returns!


Yeah I went to medical school, those people are full of shit. They have no idea what arteries were affected, what areas of the brain were deprived of oxygen and for how long. They haven’t seen his MMSE, they don’t even know how he has improved from his baseline until now. Their words are akin to watching an interview and diagnosing someone with ASPD. No doctor does that, you know why? Because it’s bullshit.

Most of the recovery post-stroke is in the first 6 months. It has been over 6 months since his stroke.

Let me see his MRI, let me see the neurologist’s report. Oh, he refuses. WHY? Because he has something to hide, just as Trump did.

But you don’t care. Because “vote blue no matter who!!1!1”

Will be an interesting election if current polls are correct


[deleted] t1_iuaeeu2 wrote



Unparty t1_iuaezcd wrote

I think it’s shitty, but abusing tax loopholes with lawyers is not criminal activity. That’s abusing a broken system. Since it wasn’t criminal, why did you need to know? Did that somehow indicate he was incapable of serving as a sitting US president? Come on, what’s your reason?

I might not find anything important. I’d love for that to be the case! It obviously isn’t, though, because he absolutely refuses to release that information. I could care less if you believe my background or not, I’m just letting you know that those “medical professionals” are almost as full of as much shit as Mr. snakeoil salesman himself.

In your opinion, anyway. Let’s see how the vote plays out, shall we? Just promise you won’t call all independents deplorable ableists if Oz does win, god forbid. Dems could’ve had such an easy win in PA, but JF refused to step down. He should be in a SNF working on his rehab, not giving speeches on the campaign trail.