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Coolguy200 t1_iudk8i3 wrote

Went to do early voting last week in person and there were people outside the office asking everyone questions as they came in. Made my wife and I very uncomfortable. They had shirts with the old USSR logo on them. Weird bunch.


SpectacledReprobate t1_iudz84f wrote

> Any way to change my vote that I mailed in? After seeing the debate and finding out Fetterman supports fracking, i want nothing to do with him.

> My one voting point is the environment. I was voting for Fetterman until he literally said he’s always been for fracking. Now I’m not voting at all.

> This debatae changed my mind. Fetterman is unfit for office. I was on the edge of voting for him due to Oz being rich, but am chaning my vote. Fetterman doesn’t even know where he is.

So you mailed your vote in, claimed you’re just not voting for reasons that change by the day, and are now claiming intimidation by Antifa when you went to vote early.

The agitators on this sub aren’t even trying anymore.


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iuetwkk wrote

Wow. So you voted for the party that wants to lock up women and you voted for the man that murdered 300 animals without Mercy aren't you just a wonderful citizen LOL so you voted for a murderer it doesn't say much about you does it


Unparty t1_iuhoc6m wrote

Oz didn’t personally kill the puppies. He was PI overseeing the experiments. It sounds bad but…

Every product you use is first tested on animals, like it or not. For every story you hear about these inhumane experiments, there are hundreds or thousands of experiments that aren’t publicized.


dSlice94 t1_iudqksz wrote

This is normal. News organizations like to get a poll of voters to have ‘predictions” and sensationalize who is going to win.

These days, more fringe groups are showing up with differing motives.