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Odd_Description_2295 t1_iuige34 wrote

Because usps was defunded


Silver-Hburg OP t1_iuigy6e wrote

It hasn’t even been mailed yet on the ballot status page so that means it’s been sitting for months at Lebanon county voter services…


Odd_Description_2295 t1_iuiszvr wrote

Oh, so they are cheating?

What a surprise

Its only registered dems that ever go through this.


PensiveLog t1_iuivm9e wrote

If it was a USPS issue, all of the other counties wouldn’t have gotten their ballots in September. Used to work in Lebanon, based on that experience I’m guessing the officials assume all those ballots are illegal so they aren’t mailing them out.


BrainWav t1_iuj52f2 wrote

My grandparents, both registered Democrats in Lebanon County, got their ballots weeks ago. While I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's shenanigans down on 8th Street, it isn't everyone at least.

I'm still going in person to vote though, because I don't trust the crazies around here not to go smash up a drop box or something.


PensiveLog t1_iuj7eo3 wrote

Well that’s a plus. Maybe OP being out of town is raising unnecessary red flags?