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rivershimmer t1_iuj0b7t wrote


billfriedman9987 t1_iuj0xad wrote

Yes, idiotic comparisons generally do.

You realize checks have identifying information on them, correct?

These universal ballots do not.


rivershimmer t1_iuj1nbe wrote

Except, as so many Republican voters discovered in 2020 when they were arrested for double-voting or voting for their dead relatives, it's pretty easy to zero in on criminals who think they gaming the system. Every ballot is going to come in an envelope with someone's name on it. Easy enough to figure out if it's a legit vote.


cpr4life8 t1_iujfzsk wrote

Each ballot has a fucking unique bar code on it. 🙄


billfriedman9987 t1_iujqk30 wrote

You are missing the point.

With an absentee ballot, you provide information, you sign a form, and they mail one to you to fill out. It is uniquely tied to you and your name and signature is associated with the vote. You requested the ballot and turned it in. This is fine and has been a common practice for years for those who are out of state or medically unable to vote. There is also the no-excuse category, which again, I'm fine with, but it follows the same process but there is no actual reason other than convenience for this service. This is ok.

What is not ok is universal mail in ballots, where they are sent to every single voter. This sounds good on paper, right? But it has a lot of issues associated with it.

Because of widespread inaccuracies in a state’s voter registration records, a state that sends ballots to all registered voters will inadvertently send ballots to persons ineligible to vote or others with fake registrations, invalid registrations, outdated registrations, and to the deceased.

Furthermore, with this type of carpet-bomb approach, it lends to ballot harvesting which if you are unfamiliar is the practice of collecting ballots from large groups of people and submitting them en-masse, often times empowered by political candidates and in doing so alter the legitimacy of those ballots.

There is a reason that no industrialized nation condones universal mail in ballots. This is not just a democratic or republican issue; this is an issue that impacts all of us.


rivershimmer t1_iujsqs5 wrote

> What is not ok is universal mail in ballots, where they are sent to every single voter.

Well, we don't do that in Pennsylvania, so is there any reason you're choosing to complain about it here rather than, say, the Oregon or Utah subreddits?


cpr4life8 t1_iujs062 wrote

I'm not missing any point I'm just not buying your propaganda bullshit.