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eviljelloman t1_iumj6hl wrote

BoTh SiDeS. Get out of here with this bullshit. The two are not even remotely comparable in badness.


Zmoser1794 t1_iumtisy wrote

Ohh jeezzz I pushed your buttons huh bud. Grab some milk and sit down child.


300blakeout t1_iuqe1uc wrote

You’re right, the left side has completely lost its marbles. Total circus…


psychcaptain t1_iumv5uy wrote

It funny. It's never 'Here is why I disagree with the Democratic Party and why the GOP is better' it's always 'GOP can't be evil by itself, it must be both sides'.

You have to wonder if the Citizens of Germany in the 1930s had to deal with this as well.


Zmoser1794 t1_iun0i4q wrote

That is the second time I've gotten the answer that the Nazis happened and that's why we don't have more than 2 parties lol. I just don't see why if people don't like the republican candidate and they are republican and they don't like the democratic candidate and they are democrats that they can't all rally on a 3rd party to even the playing field. Then I get the answer well it will just split the vote so the other side will always win, which happened once in US history that I'm aware of and it was never tried again.