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YeahWrite000 t1_iumorme wrote

They "lean left" because they report on things that are observable in the real world. Unlike right-wing media which is completely off in Litterbox Highschool fantasy land.


shanks16 t1_iumpslq wrote

So pointing out the actual levels of inflation, raised crime rates, and decreased GDP are make believe?


YeahWrite000 t1_iumrcfy wrote

Raised crime rates?

I agree that demands coverage (if the kind the right was talking about was happening). What kind of coverage was right-wing media giving to the politically motivated attack of Paul Pelosi?

And oh look there's an explanation for that GDP thing too.


shanks16 t1_iumsg55 wrote

I have no sympathy for the pelosi ‘s they are the prime reason there ought to be term limits.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumtgvj wrote

Oh wow. So you're for people breaking into the homes of public officials you personally disagree with and smash their head with a hammer? You really sound like you have your head on straight.

So you're just "posing the question" but you're only demonizing Left wing media and you "have no sympathy for the pelosi's". Doesn't sound like you're in the middle of the aisle bud.


shanks16 t1_iumubbx wrote

Ha- look at Brett Kavanaugh. Oh look it’s crime related.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumujpr wrote

Oh did his wife get brutally assaulted and then the left made fun of them?


shanks16 t1_iumv5lg wrote

You must have a short term memory, see you next week when the Commonwealth gets back on the right track. You can thank Dems for running everything into the ground to have to be at this point. Easy decision.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumvrze wrote

Don't see any mention of a hammer attack.

Are you saying that Oz and Mastriano is "getting the commonwealth back on track"? And you claimed to not subscribe to either side? You need to take a look in the mirror brother. You might be a right wing fucknut and not even realize it.


shanks16 t1_iumw4y5 wrote

Haha! Leaving the Democratic Party was the easiest decision I’ve ever made.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumwabo wrote

Don't worry, they wouldn't want you.

Just stop pretending to be above it all, when in reality you're a partisan shitskull.


shanks16 t1_iumwhvn wrote

The party of acceptance lmao! You got this mad over a question from the opposite view. Love it


psychcaptain t1_iumut7i wrote

Because people shouldn't be allowed to vote for who they like, your alternative is to try to murder them?


shanks16 t1_iumv2ko wrote

Haha. If it was trump this sub would be eating popcorn.


axeville t1_iun15nf wrote

I think any 82 year old fighting off a hammer attack is deserving of empathy no matter how they vote or how much money they had.

That's why the Irish never attacked the queen.


shanks16 t1_iums3kv wrote

Where do you live? My 401k has taken a massive blow as have all my co-workers. As for the crime I want to live where you do because it’s certainly increased. Even nationwide. Look at San Francisco and all the other major cities across the US.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumsghp wrote

I live in PA...hence the subreddit. Oh wow, are you saying crime is increasing in every major city? That almost sounds exactly like a right wing talking point.


shanks16 t1_iumsmtl wrote

Ha, ok go down to Kensington. Let me know. This state has gone downhill the last 2 years.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumt131 wrote

Oh okay. So if I go to a specific location there's crime? Like there always has been, always will be? But all statistics show a drop in crime overall? You're teaching me all kindsa things man.


shanks16 t1_iumthc1 wrote

You may the only person who thinks crime is decreasing. Go all over the state I would bet my paycheck crime is up. I’m sure BBC has been all over PA to investigate that.Thankfully, this sub when it comes to politics, doesn’t reflect common sense. If you can’t acknowledge that media is biased both ways then I feel sorry for you.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumtp9a wrote

Can you show me a statistic that supports your argument?


YeahWrite000 t1_iumug23 wrote

cRiMe is On tHe RiSe eVeRYwheRe!!! (Proceeds to send an article about a single weekend in a single city)

Really compelling stuff bud. Also from Fox. You're playing into their sensationalism now.


psychcaptain t1_iumunvh wrote

Crime seem down where I live.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumy775 wrote

Our friend u/shanks16 probably won't be joining this discussion again. He can't cope with opposite viewpoints.


shanks16 t1_iumyfvc wrote

Usually I’m here every week! Sorry you’re upset, See you soon


YeahWrite000 t1_iumyqj8 wrote

Well speak of the devil and he shall appear. Gonna continue your downward spiral into Trumpworld-dumbfuckery?


shanks16 t1_iumzbi5 wrote

It’s amazing how shook people get when someone has an opposing view 🫡


YeahWrite000 t1_iumzl48 wrote

I know man. Did you see on January 6th when all those whiney insurrectionists were told that Biden won the election? They got soooooooo shook at that opposing viewpoint.


shanks16 t1_iumzvs8 wrote

Ya like when Fetterman embarrassed himself trying to debate or covering up the hunter Biden laptop! Had CNN into a full out panic!


YeahWrite000 t1_iun0rud wrote

You're a genius man. You managed to discern that a career conman who'd made countless appearances on Oprah can carry himself on television better than a man who is still recovering from a stroke. That takes some real insight.

Hunter's laptop could have all the child-porn in the world on it. And receipts for every crime under the sun. Fucking prosecute him. I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden and no one on the left does either. He wasn't hired by his father to work in the White House like some other vapid children I could mention.


shanks16 t1_iun06il wrote

Gotta get to work! Talk soon!


YeahWrite000 t1_iun1pf3 wrote

Go build that 401k back up man. Maybe one day you'll work yourself up to a tax bracket that the GOP actually gives a shit about.


shanks16 t1_iuoqlxc wrote

Definitely brother, whatever I can do to keep you playing dungeons and dragons in your basement.


YeahWrite000 t1_iuoqy7w wrote

Think you meant to say "your mother's basement". You'll get em next time.


shanks16 t1_iuotwck wrote

Wanted to give you the benefit of doubt that you maybe have your own place but still don’t have your life together. Can’t imagine you actually do though.


YeahWrite000 t1_iuou76h wrote

Nah, I actually do. You all just say the same shit over and over and over again. Its like you're following a script. And mentioning "nerd shit" and "mom's basement" tend to get repeated a looot. Usually means you don't don't have any actual point to argue.


RecallRethuglicans t1_iuqnzzw wrote

Yes. People don’t care about that. They care that Oz is a puppy killing pee drinker.


[deleted] t1_iumph7e wrote



YeahWrite000 t1_iumpqj0 wrote

I mean this genuinely with no hint of insult or derision. I am genuinely curious: What would you put forward as the most trust-worthy right-leaning media source?


shanks16 t1_iumr37a wrote

I personally believe news on TV is for pure entertainment, to make money, and divide. This. Applies to both left and right networks. There isn’t anything on TV that’s straight down the middle. I don’t think you have any honest media anymore.

I wanted to pose the question because it’s not one sided.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumrqqw wrote

Media Sensationalism is a problem for sure. But even if you don't trust any media sources, you need to be able to rely the evidence your own eyes and ears tell you, and Fox, OAN, Newsmax and the like have taken to trying to gaslight the nation. Is "left leaning" media perfect? Not at all, but they tend to acknowledge that reality exists more often than their Republican counterparts.


shanks16 t1_iumsbob wrote

I see the left news networks gas light just as much. I pose the question because it’s a two way street. Whether people in this sub want to Accept it or not.


YeahWrite000 t1_iumsv2l wrote

Really? Just as much? Wow, I didn't know MSNBC was reporting that Bernie won the presidency and will be reinstated any day now.

Oh wait no, that's the Right and Trump isn't it?


eviljelloman t1_iumxepn wrote

If you're a fucking moron arguing in bad faith with provably false bullshit you get downvoted.