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RunningOnPunkTime t1_iutcuve wrote

Why is that an entitled douche? Sounds like someone who doesn't want to be put in financial distress regardless of "duty". Idk about you, but my duty to my family comes way before I even think about the duty towards the state.

You're constructing the ideal person as someone who just accepts their "duty" regardless of harm. Someone who just accepts their duty and doesn't say anything even when it's causing harm to them or other people just sounds like a coward.

Your duty should be to try and make your community better. Being on a jury is an obligation that's one way of fulfilling that duty. As it stands, we're restricting jury duty to those who have the financial means to miss work and lose that money. This is just another way that the US is a plutocracy. We should ensure that no one misses out on their wages so that everyone can participate regardless of income. I think that ensuring everyone can participate as a member of a jury would make it all just a bit better.

Rather than being some coward who accepts the status quo without "whining or complaining", why not aim for something a bit better?


PopeMaIone t1_iutezbm wrote

Ahh, a coward is someone who does what is expected of them and sacrifices for others or the collective or even more simply someone who upholds their end of the social contract. The smart person is the one who demands a benefit for doing something, anything for their fellow man or society. Sounds very trumpian from someone I have no doubt is likely a leftist and not a fan of capitalism. Either way, you have a selfish worldview I hope doesn't spread.


RunningOnPunkTime t1_iutgkc1 wrote

Lol a selfish worldview is one in which it's ensured that everyone is provided for? I'll take that bullet. If it's selfish to say no to a duty to the community because I want to pay my mortgage and keep my family fed then yeah I guess I'm selfish.

I'm literally arguing for a system where people can actually do their duty to their fellow man without worrying about their own well being. But you haven't actually addressed that. All you've argued for is the status quo which, as I've argued unopposed, is harmful to people with lower incomes and prevents them from fulfilling their duty.

Try addressing my points rather than just flipping out because I called you a coward for arguing in favor of an unjust system.


PopeMaIone t1_iuti53r wrote

I'd say the system works. It's been working for 200 years. At most a person should get minimum wage for jury duty. Nobody is getting paid $30 an hour by the state to do a duty we have as a citizen. If you don't think this country is worth doing anything for free for, leave. Go to a better place. You won't.


RunningOnPunkTime t1_iutj0cm wrote

"don't improve the system! Just leave" Why would I leave? I want to make this country better rather than licking the boots of some dudes who died over 100 years ago. If you don't want people to be paid a living wage for jury duty that's fine, just advocate for a system where people can miss work and still have the resources they need.

The system might work fine (debatable), but why not make it better? America is the richest country in the world. Why shouldn't we be better? It sounds like all you want is some flaccid America that barely limps by. That's pathetic.


PopeMaIone t1_iutke5o wrote

I think I'd rather invest in a national healthcare plan then worry about paying for jury duty. We can't fix everything with other people's money....or can we...2030 with RunningOnPunkTime as our President spending 1000% of our annual GDP like NBD. Wait, why is our country debt ridden and stagnant? Dude this over promising, over spending and stifling taxation and regulations has turned America into just another socialist hellscape. Lock ROPT up for being incompetent and selling pipe dreams.

Alarm clock rings at 6am. I just had the worst nightmare. A reddit leftist ran the country promising everything to everyone and fucked it all up making no one happy.


RunningOnPunkTime t1_iutlel3 wrote

You really can't help but strawman can you? Not gonna actually address a single point or really even make an argument. Have a good night bud