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Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_iusoxu4 wrote

Its not corporate greed. They have to pay more to produce energy. Are they just supposed to obsorb the cost and lose money?

If you think you can do it cheaper, go for it. Produce your own energy.


Sandwichsensei t1_iusqp6m wrote

CEO prolly doesn’t need 9 mil plus what ever bonuses. He could prolly get by with a little less than that. Prolly the rest of the executives too. But hey. 15c/kWh is fine so he can keep his lifestyle while the rest of us freeze am I right?


ronreadingpa t1_iuvreyg wrote

From my layperson's understanding, PPL is obligated to negotiate the best price reasonably possible. Suppliers may profit from pricing, but distributers may not; pass-through only. Maybe PPL did the best they could, but have my doubts. This needs to be investigated.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_iuvvzir wrote

Energy costs right now are fluctuating. So who know when they negotiated the price.


ENODEBEE t1_iuw52gu wrote

PPL doesn’t produce anything. They shop the energy market and supposedly pass on volume discount to their customers. I would love to hear their explanation for why the PA Power Switch marketplace can provide offers such as $0.118/kWh with a 3 year lock but they can’t even come close.