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steelceasar t1_iut3ziy wrote

"Rules with out rulers... it sounds like magic but it's actually possible, it has a 99.9% uptime since 2009."

You are pretty much pitching a MLM scheme in the way you present this, which makes sense because your sources are a guy who makes his living off selling bitcoin to people and some random guy's youtube channel. Bitcoin doesn't mean anything if the existing financial actors prevent it from being used. Crypto was a gamble that paid off for a bunch of early investors and is now a glorified craps table, with a side of runaway energy consumption. It incorporates some interesting technology and has some philosophical implications, but its not revolutionary.


godofleet t1_iuta8og wrote

>Bitcoin doesn't mean anything if the existing financial actors prevent it from being used.

they can't, they won't... it's a trojan horse they can't resist... because it has better fundamentals than any other money our species has ever known, they will [and are] getting on board... they will probably abuse this adoption phase too, flip flopping "we're gonna ban it" to dump the price and buy in while it's low...

but it's besides the point, whether they abuse it or not, whether we hold them accountable or not... it won't matter because it's in short supply and I have little doubt that in time that will be clear.

regardless, you can buy/sell bitcoin like you pizza or weed... it's no different and you can be damn sure people will use it that way (and have)

>It incorporates some interesting technology and has some philosophical implications, but its not revolutionary.

I disagree, it's already banked millions of people who have been left out of the lucrative and exclusionary (see: racist/bigoted) financial systems of the west...

We have free to use, inclusive, global, digital cash now... that is a revolution beyond any our species has ever experienced... free of centralized control/corruption/entropy ... with every new discovery/tech there are early adopters/believers - people said the internet was for terrorists and pedophiles once...
