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giggles-mcgee OP t1_iutbqo5 wrote

The issue is that the standard offer program only locks for a year. so once that is up anyone that locked in will be looking at 14 cents coming December 1 or in June to whatever the new rate will be. And if you try to lock in the standard offer now, you’re at 12.3 cents which is pretty high given we were just around 7 cents like you said


bitterbeerfaces t1_iutmevu wrote

I locked in May. I don't think what you mentioned is a problem with the program. I'm pretty happy with my locked in rate (met-ed). I actually bought a electric space heater because we plan on keeping our house cold due to oil prices but using heat from electricity to keep it comfortable.

I ran some numbers and it will be cheaper for us to heat with a space heater than it is for us to keep our house at 70 with oil.b