Submitted by Jaco-Jimmerson t3_ykd72j in Pennsylvania

Counties that will cure ballots


Counties unsure of curing ballots

Blair co .

Counties that won't cure ballots


Hey, it's Jaco and I'm looking in to see how you guys are "polling off" this midterm.

For those not in the know, the PA Supreme Court a ruled undated and wrongfully dated mail-in ballots will be set aside and not counted.

Since the Supreme Court decision, I'm looking at the comments and I'm seeing less defeatism which is good. Therefore I'll be asking questions about this, so that Pennsylvania can brainstorm ways to clap back at this ruling and insure your votes get in.

Here are the lists of questions:

  1. Did you date your Mail-in ballot before the ruling?
  2. Can you track your mail-in ballots?
  3. If there is an issue with your mail in ballot, can/do you have a plan to cure (correct) your ballot?
  • If not this hotline could help you 1-877-VOTES-PA

>4. Does your county allow you to cure (correct) your ballots?

  • Please respond with the county that does or doesn't allow curing of ballots so I can list them here

>5. If your mail-in ballot is rejected and you can't fix it because of your county, can you still go to the polls on November 8 and vote in person regardless?

I gave out some great ways to fight against this ruling. Remember this affects both Republicans and Democrats so check your ballots. Don't let your voice be silenced this midterm. Weather in-person or not, mail-in early or election day VOTE!!!



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Donotaskmedontellme t1_iusmcgz wrote

I just vote in person, easy.


Jaco-Jimmerson OP t1_iusmko4 wrote

Literally this. But if your mail-in ballot gets rejected, can you still vote in person instead?


One_Awareness6631 t1_iusnat0 wrote

  1. I submitted my ballot prior to the ruling
  2. Yes, we can track our mail-in ballots (
  3. This is helpful info and I hope fellow PA voters take notice
  4. I'm not sure - I'm in Blair co.
  5. Yes, but they will make you use a provisional ballot.


ETA: I requested my mail-in ballot in August. I never received it. I called my local office and they were extremely helpful - cancelled my ballot and had one waiting for me at the window the next day. My vote was recorded and showed up on the tracking website the day after.


LeftPhilly t1_iutkcyj wrote

Can anyone tell me what constitutes an “incorrectly dated ballot”?

For example, one member of my family started to write out the month on the envelope, then crossed it out and put the month number instead.

I took it to the local election office asking if it needed to be redone, and they said that as long as it has any kind of date, it’s Ok.

Or will some “election observer” look at an envelope like that and say it’s “incorrectly dated” ???


No-Setting9690 t1_iuvz7ng wrote

I have a feeling the ballot was designed this way to have failures on purpose. I know the date line exists, I'm a fairly intelligent person, it took a little effort to locate it. Almost makes it look like it's a line from the spanish section.


MYOB3 t1_iutnn6p wrote

Go vote. In person. Avoid the problem altogether. If you can go to Walmart, you can go vote.


Cogatanu7CC95 t1_iuubp1e wrote

Gonna force all the elderly that cant walk to go in person? The sick?


MYOB3 t1_iuuqq9k wrote

If you can go to Walmart and shop, you can vote. I have serious lung disease and am immunocompromised. I also have bone grinding arthritis in my knees. If I can do it, so can 99 percent of people who claim they can't. The measuring stick should be... do you shop for yourself? In person? If so, haul yourself to the polling place. If not, then here's your ballot.


Cogatanu7CC95 t1_iuur57p wrote

Ah so your a parroting fascist that'll force the old that cant move and the sick to vote in person or lose their voice. Got it.


MYOB3 t1_iuv113q wrote

I am saying that if you are capable of going to walmart, you are capable of voting in person, drama queen. No more than that. If the answer is no... here is your ballot.


Cogatanu7CC95 t1_iuw68yj wrote

You have no authority or right to tell ppl how to vote. We aren't russia,we're allowed to vote in everyway that is legal and mailin voting is legal so says the pa gop that made it legal


MYOB3 t1_iuxtnce wrote

Not if you don't fill out the form correctly, apparently.


CQU617 t1_iutyfm2 wrote

That is why I am voting in person. F these voter suppression tactics.

You cannot spell MastriaNO with NO. Big fat No freaking way here.

Go Fetterman!!! You cannot spell Bozo with Oz. GOP clown 🤡 car show.
