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mandyaffogato OP t1_ixac33h wrote

Ok that’s fair. And I don’t live in a podunk three house town (😂) so fingers crossed it’ll be fine. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Thank you for your support and for sharing your own knowledge


PM_Me_Your_WorkFiles t1_ixb5aiy wrote

Please also keep in mind that you’re saving innocent people thousands in the long run, guarantee you’re not the only person who they’re trying to scam. You’re doing a good deed and it’s a little scary but your neighborhood/town will be better off for it. I don’t mean to go on too long, but this is genuinely the kind of civil engagement that maintains communities and you should be proud.


Dry-Coyote540 t1_ixcrpm4 wrote

Wish I lived near you to have your back. I am so sick of these stories in PA. Toyota garage in DuBois PA tried to keep my friend's RAV said there was something wrong with brakes and wouldn't let her take her vehicle. Her dad came in and told them to eff off there was nothing wrong with brakes and they were taking it and did. She never did have the problem with brakes they said she did.