Submitted by mandyaffogato t3_z1a2r4 in Pennsylvania

EDIT #2: ok! This happened at AAA in Downingtown, PA. The QAO inspected my car with the mechanic, and confirmed that my car was improperly failed. The mechanic now knows they screwed up, and the AAA car service managers now know too. HOWEVER, the QAO told me I should not have taken my car to get a 2nd inspection. He said I should have directly contacted him after failing my inspection at AAA. According to him, since my car has a safety inspection sticker (from the dealership), the car has been tampered with and makes the next steps a bit more difficult. That doesn’t make much sense to me since I wouldn’t have known AAA was being shady unless I took it to the dealership to perform a 2nd inspection. Like, how would I have known to contact DOT after one failed inspection without any comparative? And I did tell the QAO that I’ve communicated to literally everybody I’ve spoken with from DOT & Parsons that I passed inspection at the dealership. Idk why it was a surprise to him today. He said he’s just the field guy but will turn this over to DOT for next steps.

I’ll leave it to him and the DOT to figure out what penalties if any should be given to AAA. I don’t believe they will tell me what penalties will be levied against AAA. At this point, in the short term, I’m just happy that they’ve been educated, and that DOT is now aware that AAA improperly failed my car for inspection and that I’m likely not the only one. AND I did go back in and get my refund, finally 😬

EDIT: Thank you all so much for sharing your perspectives and encouragement. Many of your comments validated what I already knew, but still the anxiety of impending confrontation has me🥴 I’m going back to the shop at 10am today with my husband and will just stay in my husbands car while they look at mine (thank you for that suggestion!) I should note: the state emissions dept called me last week and shared that this is when most people drop their complaints, because of the general inconvenience or awkwardness of bringing your car back to the same shop. I feel that. But I’m also pretty sure this place took advantage of my husband. My husband got his car inspected there a week before I did. We’re new to the state, and they told him PA inspections are notorious for being lengthy and comprehensive, and it can take a full DAY. They told him to plan to leave his car overnight. His is a 2009 car though, so when they told him he had $2k worth of repairs, a part of him begrudgingly believed it. He bit the bullet and paid, though he definitely was suspicious about the axle repair. He now regrets not asking any questions (e.g., are these required repairs for inspection, or your recommended repairs?; can you take photos of what specifically requires repair?; can you give me a work order or other documentation that indicates these repairs are required to pass inspection?) The QAO had a fundamentally different perspective on the criteria for inspections, and said criteria in PA is very lenient, and he’s seen some very beat up cars legitimately pass inspection. QAO said they can only take a complaint forward if the consumer refuses the repair. So, something for you to know/think about next time you get your car inspected! Also, i got in touch with my QAO after calling the Emissions Dept. Per their site, you can call 800-265-0921 (if you are within the 25 emissions counties) to report an issue, either safety or emissions related. From there, a company named Parsons will call you to get more info/documentation and, if they agree there’s something untoward going on, they will have a QAO reach out to schedule this audit. There may be an easier way to get in touch with you QAO, but this is the route I went. I will update this post after 10am 🤞

Original post:

I complained to the original shop and asked for a refund of the $30ish I paid for inspection. They said basically no, and offered to review the photos they took and call me back. They never called me back. It didn’t make sense to me that my car failed inspection, and I even told the dealership what specifically failed so they could take an extra look at that (my shocks). Dealership said my shocks were fine, and took a video of it.

I reported the incident to my Quality Assurance Officer, who was shocked that my car had initially failed inspection. After reviewing photos and a video from the dealership of my car, the QAO seems confident that the original shop was trying to take advantage of me. QAO was actually livid and eager to address this, and said these types of incidents give the industry a bad name.

BUT in order to actually get a resolution, I have to take my car back to the crooked shop so the QAO and the original mechanic can review why they failed me. Once the QAO sees my car with the original mechanic, he can then issue sanctions (whatever that may be).

I am oddly nervous to go back to the shop. I feel like I’m on their shit list, and I am going to feel so uncomfortable in their waiting room while they look at my car again. But I am also incensed that they tried taking advantage of me, and know that unless they’re held accountable, they will continue to take advantage of people who may not know any better.

Anyone else do this? What was your experience?



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CharacterBrief9121 t1_ix9w2g6 wrote

Was mechanic, you got these guys by the throat. They’re going to be more scared of you than you are of them. Have fun and bring a snack. That officers going to rip open some new exit holes.


Yodasballcheese t1_ixa3vk3 wrote

Former license Pennsylvania state inspection mechanic here. And You got them by the balls. They will hamper your car if they’re on like it was their own. Bring everything that you have with you as far as evidence, they will get an earful probably fines and possibly suspension of their licenses. Also be aware now this opens them up to a full investigation of all their state inspection records.

I have seen this happen firsthand, I had a technician in the shop that I worked at that was a thief, and they got him good. So much so, He had to surrender his inspection license on site, was let go from the shop and never worked in the state again as a mechanic.


HWTechGuy t1_ixamgte wrote

Many years ago, I worked at a shop doing oil changes and stuff. It was a part-time job during high school and college. There was a smaller shop up the road that didn't have an alignment rack, didn't have the stuff to do AC work, and some other things - so they would sublet that work to us.

They ended up getting shut down for some shady stuff like what the OP described and the shop I worked for ended up getting all of their business. I remember hearing that both mechanics lost their inspection licenses - one of them was the owner.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixaasiu wrote

Oh man. That kind of makes me feel better but honestly I’m worried about retaliation. Maybe I’m overreacting or overthinking this, but the idea of having to engage with a possibly disgruntled person is worrying me. I know the QAO already called the shop to notify them that we’re coming in tomorrow. I work in HR which is a very different field, I know, but anytime I’m going to give a person some bad news or have a difficult conversation, I usually give them very little if any notice (more so for their own mental health but also for my security). I’m overthinking this, I’m sure. I just don’t like the confrontation 😩


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ixabjdd wrote

Unless you live in some podunk three house town I think you’ll be fine on the retaliatory front. If they did something wrong I know they will feel guilty as soon as they realize what’s going on. The mechanic will probably be the only one at fault. And going to the facility is only a formality at this point. That officer wouldn’t take cases lightly I doubt you would have made it this far otherwise. Those guys at the garage know they messed up already, if the use online inspection recording the officer already knows what’s up but a lot of shady garages won’t input a failed car into the inspection system online which is a problem in and of itself. You going there is probably just so the officer can try to make the mechanic show him what failed in person and possibly a refund.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixac33h wrote

Ok that’s fair. And I don’t live in a podunk three house town (😂) so fingers crossed it’ll be fine. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Thank you for your support and for sharing your own knowledge


PM_Me_Your_WorkFiles t1_ixb5aiy wrote

Please also keep in mind that you’re saving innocent people thousands in the long run, guarantee you’re not the only person who they’re trying to scam. You’re doing a good deed and it’s a little scary but your neighborhood/town will be better off for it. I don’t mean to go on too long, but this is genuinely the kind of civil engagement that maintains communities and you should be proud.


Dry-Coyote540 t1_ixcrpm4 wrote

Wish I lived near you to have your back. I am so sick of these stories in PA. Toyota garage in DuBois PA tried to keep my friend's RAV said there was something wrong with brakes and wouldn't let her take her vehicle. Her dad came in and told them to eff off there was nothing wrong with brakes and they were taking it and did. She never did have the problem with brakes they said she did.


key2mydisaster t1_ixdi8ji wrote

>Unless you live in some podunk three house town

I totally read this as 3 horse town. Well pardner, there ain't room for your vehicle in these here parts. Lol.


Yodasballcheese t1_ixag7cq wrote

You have nothing to worry about. They have to prove why the said you need these repairs. If they don’t fall within the PA State Inspection rule book, then it’s all on them. And since you have a passed sticker, they are in a world of poop. The QAO is going to make sure they are held accountable. Also, FYI, most QAO’s are former state police officers.


No_Marionberry4370 t1_ixb1wtk wrote

My dad was quoted 13k in repairs to pass inspection and none of it was needed. He went back and shouted at the service manager, reported them, and told them he would "stop people on the street" and tell them how terrible this dealership is. And actually did .anage to work it into conversations with anyone he met for several years, and they didn't retaliate.


MaMakossa t1_ix9x2xl wrote

GOOD FOR YOU OP! You really should be proud of yourself for pursuing this & speaking up for yourself.

There’s NO SHAME in what you’re doing. If everything is kosher with the first repair shop - then there shouldn’t be any problems, right?

Please keep us updated on your situation. We’re there with you in the waiting room with our support. ✊


analmartyr t1_ix9uggx wrote

Name and shame this shop.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ix9unsb wrote

I will for sure…just waiting for this meeting tomorrow with the QAO and mechanic first, then I’ll name them


Igotshiptodotoday t1_ixa1jh0 wrote

For real though, you've already made them hate you. Do not let the car out of your sight while there. Some people can be really spiteful assholes.


FacelessPower t1_ixaf59d wrote

The cars waiting to be inspected. I understand the thought but I don’t think OP needs to have that worry on their mind.


Igotshiptodotoday t1_ixalcqq wrote

The post has enough identifying information for the shop to figure out they're about to get drug through the mud on social media while potentially having their certification suspended or revoked. That's a huge financial impact for an independent shop. Retaliation should be considered a possibility especially because they're morals are already in question.


justuravgjoe762 t1_ixa7zn7 wrote

Exactly, make sure you get your situation resolved before the angry mob gets the pitch forks and torches out.

Once you're in the clear, then declare open season.


kidneycat t1_ixazuyh wrote

Following so I don’t go there. What crap


KindKill267 t1_ix9vymj wrote

Some shops are dumb. I had to get my Tesla inspected for the first time and the shop that could fit me in tried to charge me for an emissions inspection...


yeags86 t1_ix9x45f wrote

That’s another level of either dumb, or being pieces of shit.

Actually, it’s probably both.


ScrappleOnToast t1_ixag2tg wrote

That’s because the muffler bearings can burn out on a Tesla, and that’ll fry your piston return springs. Once that happens, your seals will go, and you’ll be out of emission fluid.


KindKill267 t1_ixagrp0 wrote

The conversation was pretty dumb. I told the guy I would pay for it if he could tell me what he was going to inspect for the emissions. He didn't have an answer haha.


Calan_adan t1_ixb0o7r wrote

They charged me another $500 to fill my tires with premium air.


dean078 t1_ixbenhv wrote

That’s what happens when you use too much NOS in a Tesla…”DANGER TO MANIFOLD!!!”


No-Setting9690 t1_ix9zi5y wrote

Out of curiosity, why not? Sure it's exempt, but so is my car and I still have to pay for it. I drive it less than 5k a year, so I'm always exempt. But I have to pay to have the exemption sticker.


EmergencySundae t1_ixa0fnl wrote

EVs do not need an emissions inspection. I also have a Tesla and my inspection station knows to only do safety. It does not need an exemption sticker either.


No-Setting9690 t1_ixa1jc4 wrote

Interesting. It does make sense, but someone like me would be like sweet, lets put a gas engine in it then.


KindKill267 t1_ixa3k7m wrote

My Tesla does 0-60 in 3.4 seconds. There's no need for a gas engine haha.


No-Setting9690 t1_ixa40ud wrote

There are many reasons for gas engine. The infrastructure is not fully there yet, there will be break downs that it's easier to bring a gas can versus electricity with.

With that said, yes electricity is the future. And I'm sure people who bought a car in the beginning said the same about a horse.


gslavik t1_ixaopsr wrote

But it doesn't make vroom vroom noises and blow black clouds at Priuses! Checkmate libtard! /s


cigarmanpa t1_ixajz05 wrote

That’s great, no one cares


KindKill267 t1_ixalmy1 wrote

Thanks for your highly valued input! Have a nice day and try not to wreck your every boomers midlife crisis dream car.


cigarmanpa t1_ixalr6y wrote

You’re so mad you went to look at my post history. How thin skinned are you?


guyandadog t1_ixb6lfk wrote

Dont mind him, enjoy a steak and a cigar bud


Canopenerdude t1_ixctwkx wrote

You kinda deserve it for supporting Apartheid Clyde, tbh


HWTechGuy t1_ix9wben wrote

Would that be a QAO from the state? They don't mess around.



dav3y_jon3s t1_ixa69hs wrote

Im an inspector with a shop and ill say you have them worried.


giantcucumbergrower t1_ixebh5h wrote

We were warned of these shops in auto-school and basically were told to never miss anything but never report anything fake… fake stuff gets your and the shops license revoked.


foodfolksfun t1_ixa34pn wrote

This state law is so stupid why does a brand new car need an emissions inspection when the requirements of a new car are lower than the state limit. It’s robbery and the state needs to fix its inspection laws.


crankshaft123 t1_ixacftk wrote

Because both the Commonwealth and the dealer associations are greedy.


timg430008171976 t1_ixan5mw wrote

It’s a money racket !!


crankshaft123 t1_ixapbor wrote

Absolutely. Many shops are straight ripoff artists.


I was a licensed PA SI/IM inspector 1989-2020.


turtleabhorrent t1_ixatvtw wrote

The fact you have to get re-inspected every year is insane.

I am going to be transferring my registration out of state because of it. I could understand yearly inspections if the car was over a decade old, as maybe a way of nudging them to trade in for a better performing car emission-wise but yearly inspections for a few year old car is insane.


ForeverNick1 t1_ixc92gj wrote

It still produces emissions. But there's a lot of shit that really needs to be updated. State is just cheap bastards. However you can do a new car exemption


vintageideals t1_ixaqke9 wrote

This is why i get so much anxiety as a single widowed mom about taking my car ANYWHERE for even an oil change. I pay my neighbor’s husband to do that stuff in my driveway. Every time a vehicle of mine has even gone into a shop since my husband died, it’s been a minimum of like $600 bill, except when I got just tires from Mavis.


kenziethemom t1_ixbebpp wrote

This is SO UNFAIR for you, but I totally understand where you're coming from.

I'm not a mechanic, but I grew up helping my grandpa, who was a diesel mechanic, with cars. My husband, bless his soul, knows way less than I do.

Anytime we've had any work done, I'm always ignored by the mechanics, even after I answer the questions they ask my husband.

And before I pay anywhere, I always say "let me call my grandpa, he is a Vietnam veteran, 101st Airborne" (which is 100% true, but I never actually have to call him lol) and I swear I always get discounts and honesty after. That's why I do it, because I know enough, but they still try to take advantage of me.

I hate it that I have to pull those cards to just get proper car treatment, and you shouldn't have to either :(


Entire-Ambition1410 t1_ixdp34a wrote

When I worked in retail, I would look at/talk to everyone in a group, or focus on the person in front who seemed to be in charge. Usually they were the ones paying, and needed the answers and respect the most.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixeyzj3 wrote

That is so freaking unfair. And it drives me nuts how these sorts of practices are so widespread. I am similarly anxious taking my car ANYWHERE for service, because at this point I almost expect someone to try to play me. It is tough.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_ix9xaat wrote

Contact your local PSP barracks and ask to talk to their VFI (Vehicle Fraud Investigation) Trooper and contact the AGs office.


imamunster123 t1_ixab3bp wrote

You shouldn't feel any type of way about a damn thing. They made their bed when they tried to fleece you out of $1k on some bogus repairs, and anything coming their way because of it is nobody's fault but their own. As far as being on their "shit list" goes, I'm not sure that matters if you don't plan on giving them business again anyway.


fullyintegratedrobot t1_ixa05jn wrote

I’m not a professional mechanic, but I’m a hobbyist. I do 95% of the work on my own cars, and have spent hundreds of hours in a independent shop working on race cars with the owner.

Good for you for going about this the right way, and getting a second professional opinion, and involving a third party. While unsavory shops do sometimes try to sign you up for work your car doesn’t need, it’s much more common for drivers to insist that their car is fine, despite obvious and often dangerous issues. Just head over to r/justrolledintotheshop for a laugh and a revelation of what exactly we share the roads with.

You are fighting the good fight, and helping to make an environment where mechanics can’t deceive drivers without recourse, and where drivers might actually take a (legitimate) failed inspection seriously.


Mrdwight101 t1_ixa3cib wrote

Can someone ELI5 who QOA is and what their role is?


dav3y_jon3s t1_ixa70cs wrote

Quality Assurance officer. They oversee all the inspection stations in the state. They handle issues like this one and hand out punishments to the shop or tell the customer the shop is right. They alao randomly drop by your shop to make sure all your stickers are accounted for and to check your inspection log to make sure everything looks good. They can also randomly pick cars from your book to call in and check out to make sure your doing good inspections.


boringreddituserid t1_ixab8g9 wrote

How might one contact said QAO, if encountering the same situation as OP?


dav3y_jon3s t1_ixabytl wrote

Google your county and qao officer and you should be able to find a list. Just give them a call and tell them whats up.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixez6cj wrote

I posted info in one of my edits FYI. If you live in an emissions county, there’s a 1800 # you can call.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ix9yhx0 wrote

Good on you for not being scammed. Frankly I’d want to know which shop it is so I’d never take my car there myself.

Personally, I think state inspections are stupid because of the way mechanics will take advantage of people. At the very least there should be a forced price limit on what they can charge for state required repairs. I once had a shop try and charge me $500 for new brake pads and $90 to change a fog light bulb. I nearly laughed in their faces!


Capital-Giraffe-4122 t1_ixa8fep wrote

I grew up in NJ and there were State Inspection stations. They were big drive thru buildings and you just drove through and the inspectors would check out your car. If you failed something they'd give you a window sticker good for 30 days so you could make the repair. You'd have to go back again and get retested. If you passed you got a sticker and went on your way. This didn't cost anything outside of the normal fees and taxes you pay to drive a car. It was a decent system although the lines were always long.

I think they stopped this a few years ago though.


mbz321 t1_ixasole wrote

I think they still do testing but you only need it every couple years and it is still 'free'.


kenziethemom t1_ixbf7zr wrote

This is how it was in AZ. However, i only discovered it, after driving a vehicle for like 3 years without getting any of the "proper" stickers, and then purchasing a SUV that needed us to actually get new stickers. However, that SUV was right at the "classic car" stage, and that was one of the drive through parts.

Texas and PA are (as of this post) NOT like that, but once I experienced it in AZ, I felt like that was such a productive way to do it. Especially because if you need some type of work, they tell you exactly what it is, why it's important and time to fix it and go back.

Again, not perfect but it was definitely the best out of other places I've lived lol


festerwl t1_ixa2r7q wrote

Hit up r/Justrolledintotheshop and you'll see exactly why the safety inspections are a good thing.

Sure there's some shit shops out there but every shop I've been in has the labor rates listed and you're within your rights to say no and walk away.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ixa3ivz wrote

Believe me, I know that some people really shouldn't be driving the vehicles they drive. But at the same time if we are required to get state inspections then consequently shops should be required to adhere to fair market rates and not overcharge simply because they know that you're legally required to get a state inspection.


dav3y_jon3s t1_ixa7ksy wrote

Most do. The rates are set by what area your in and vary widley. In my are most shops are under100 and hour labour just over the mountain from me most are over 100.


BigMoose9000 t1_ixbw7cv wrote

There's a lot of posts of sketchy cars, but have you ever seen even 1 post of an accident one of them caused with a mechanical failure?

It just. Does. Not. Happen. This has been studied repeatedly, states that require inspection aren't safer to drive in or have fewer accidents. It's all just a racket.


griffincyde t1_ixai6bx wrote

I had the same thing happen to me in 2017 at a local meineke. Quoted me $2,200 worth of repairs on my 2014 Ford Focus to pass inspection. They even started to tell me that they can finance the repairs right there in the shop front. Had a friend of a friend look at it and he told me all I needed were brakes and rotors. Bought the stuff and paid him labor to put it on.

Never went back there again.


Confident_End_3848 t1_ix9upo5 wrote

How new was your “new” car?


mandyaffogato OP t1_ix9v3ql wrote



Dontpanicarthurdent t1_ix9wm04 wrote

Absolutely no way a 2021 car fails inspection under normal circumstances. Obvious exceptions would be if it’s a fleet vehicle and driven tens of thousands of miles, you’ve driven it off road - a lot, it’s been in a significant accident, it is a work-horse vehicle that hauls tonnage in the bed/trunk/etc. This shop is likely trying to take you for a fool.


Confident_End_3848 t1_ix9wb08 wrote

Yeah, how could a car still under a bumper to bumper warranty need any significant repairs.


BigMoose9000 t1_ixbwdj7 wrote

The balls that mechanic has are something else

I was going to post that shocks are a hard thing to argue because there's no clear pass/fail criteria, it's all kind of a gray area, but there's no way 1 year old shocks would be failing.


Or0b0ur0s t1_ixaq00e wrote

Unfortunately, the only thing unusual about this in my experience is that it's usually the dealership pulling this crap, and the independent station being more honest. Though that's obviously not a rule, just a tendancy. Or maybe just Toyota and Honda dealers are more often crooked.

When I bought my Toyota, the dealer was awesome for a few years. Then management changed hands. Instantly, inspections became a laundry list of shit I'd never heard of in 10 years of driving the car. Yeah, I don't think so. Never went back.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixeze1n wrote

One of the QAOs I spoke to throughout this process also told me to steer clear of dealerships, but I’ve only had positive experiences at Mazda. Sounds like my experiences are an anomaly. Sucks to hear about Toyota too


VanceAstrooooooovic t1_ixacz6w wrote

I live in a state now where there are no inspections. Aside from smog, but that’s only you live in a city. Cracked windshield? Oh well! PA needs to address this BS practice as it does not exist in most states.


me_mark77 t1_ixajpw5 wrote

But is it BS? I have mixed feelings after spending time in Michigan and Florida. Yeah you pay an annual fee, and it’s a pita if you always drive cars that are 5 years and newer. But overall it’s safer for the older cars to have the frames, ball joints and tires and brakes checked before failure causes accidents or breakdowns. You pay up front before the failure. But some of the shit boxes I’ve seen broken down or for sale in other states, you pay for the repair that is probably much more expensive than if it was fixed earlier. I feel like you either pay up front or later.


VanceAstrooooooovic t1_ixazgdg wrote

I’ld have to see metrics comparing repairs in an inspection state vs no inspection to believe there is any benefit. From my perspective paying for that dumb sticker has never helped me out. Most states do not do annual vehicle inspections. PA could at least waive the fist 5 years of a new car, but nooooo


-ibgd t1_ixajshv wrote

What’s a Quality Assurance Officer? I know the name is self explanatory but I have never heard of this before. Is this a state thing? City? For certain businesses?


MortimerDongle t1_ixd45g8 wrote

It's a PennDOT thing, their job is to ensure mechanics are doing inspections properly. Each county has their own office, I believe.


NotNowDamo t1_ixarams wrote

If you feel uncomfortable, have the assurance officer make the arrangements. These guys will behave themselves if he calls them.


lemma_qed t1_ixawcmh wrote

I had a similar experience, but I never needed to go back to the shop after my one shady interaction. I just wrote and signed a letter of complaint, as well as provided some paperwork that supported my story. They were able to discover other cases of foul play after I pointed them in the shop's direction. It was one specific employee rather than the owners/management in my case. I'm sure he got fired and I'm not sorry. I hope I never have a similar experience again though. Even after I knew that guy didn't work there anymore, I never went back.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixezhx8 wrote

Oh man. I would have loved going that route. Good for you for taking the time to do that, btw. I wouldn’t be sorry either.


trpearcy t1_ixaz1w8 wrote

Just another comment stating the same thing again, But I am a PA inspection mechanic, and I worked at a dealership, and now I own a small independent shop. We see this stuff occasionally, all from the same type of shop. Monroe muffler, Midas, Quick Lube places, Flynn’s, etc etc. Meaning shops with more then 1-2 locations. Usually it’s not the small family owned shops that pull this type of shit. Not that it doesn’t happen, but it’s just a rare thing in my opinion. Most family owned small shops want to take care of customers because they want lifetime customers, and they want to stay on the up-and-up with the state and the QAO.

Anyways. You’re fine. They defiantly don’t like you right now, but they also are scared because at least the mechanic knows he/she fucked up. The service writer is probably completely oblivious because they’re not mechanics. They’re glorified secretaries who generally have zero mechanical experience. And the QAO isn’t going to go after the service writer. They’re gonna go after the mechanic. Where this can get cloudy for the mechanic is if they didn’t actually call it for any of that, and the service writer just decided that they were below a sales quota for the day and they were gonna make that quota off you. This happened to me all the time at the dealer. Literally daily. It’s why I left. I’d see people I knew out in public and they’d be like “why’d you call my car for all that stuff?” And I’d be like “what do you mean, I just called it for front tire’s because they’re below 1/32 and fail inspection”. And then they’d show me a quote from the dealer calling for brakes and rotors and struts and a bunch of stuff that the dealer makes a lot of money on because of the huge markup on specific types of parts. So either the mechanic is a dirt bag and deserves to loose his license (which he won’t if it’s his first offense), or the service writer is a terrible person. Usually it’s the service writer. But I might be biased lol


hiroshimasfoot t1_ixa7v2f wrote

I always keep the "so if I take this to the DMV and ask them to inspect, they'd agree with you?" Card in my back pocket lmao


crankshaft123 t1_ixacxiw wrote

Where in PA does the DMV perform safety inspections?


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixbmjyx wrote

I think they're out of state. I think NJ might have state run inspection stations. I think some other states might too, though a lot of states don't do safety inspections or only do them when the vehicle transfers owners.


me_mark77 t1_ixah50c wrote

Found the non- or brand new Pennsylvanian.


Skylantech t1_ixadsey wrote

Op should name the business so others don’t get ripped off.


Ok_Yard_4646 t1_ixaobda wrote

Don't be scared of shit! You got proof of them being thieves. Walk in like you own the place and demand the remote to the waiting room tv!


25Bam_vixx t1_ixasajw wrote

They have the video , why do they need your car?


underwear11 t1_ixau1dl wrote

Good job OP going to the QAO. I was tricked like this by a dealer I was in the middle of a dispute with about another car. They started my gas cap was leaking and failed emissions. I was kind of stuck and couldn't go without a car so I just accepted it. Really regret that even though it didn't really cost me that much. They were just thieves.


artful_todger_502 t1_ixavkfg wrote

Good for you OP! Inspections are an anachronism from the days of drum brakes and bias belt tires. There is no need for inspection anymore. As the OP shows, it's used for disingenuous purposes. It needs to end.


FAN2PLAYER t1_ixaxqbj wrote

Took my Focus to Meineke 4 years ago, they said I would need about $1.4k to fix some things before it could pass inspection. Didn't believe them, took it to Mr Hot Shine down the road the same day, passed with flying colors outside of an oil change (which was basically needed anyway). Took the receipt down to meineke and told them to shove their $1.4k up their asses!!


MycoMushLove t1_ixbdzuz wrote

You got this! Be strong! I’d say have a friend wait with u and just wait in their car in the parking lot or in the waiting room with u. Best of luck! Get these crooks shut down! It takes a real piece of crap human being to take advantage of vulnerable people or just people in general. They’re mechanics and the sad thing is they probably get away with it more often than not


Anteadotes t1_ixbxvth wrote

Please name the shop.


Wild_Box9005 t1_ixcew5g wrote

I am a current inspection mechanic in PA. If the QAO wants to take your car back to the original shop then they are screwed. I know I don’t like seeing my QAO on a good day let alone if I fucked up


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixcfa7v wrote

So if a QAO takes your car back, do you think it’s a high likelihood that they will assess the original shop made a mistake? I assume the QAOs don’t go through the hassle of bringing cars back to shops unless they already know the shop messed up, is that right?


Wild_Box9005 t1_ixcye0p wrote

They will make the shop inspect the car in front of them, they will have to prove by the pa rule book and by written specifications from the manufacturer that what they are failing it for is indeed true or not


Thecrawsome t1_ixd7kgq wrote

Tires Plus in Morrisville PA did a similar thing to me a couple years ago.

TP: "Your brakes failed inspection"

Me: "What was the measurement on your dial caliper?"

TP: "I will have to review that"

Me:"Keep the brakes on, I'm coming to get my car so I can measure and replace the brakes at home, I'll pay another inspection fee"

Me: (Drives to Tires Plus)

TP: "Oh, your car passed inspection, turns out there was enough on there to pass"

I still had 5/16 left. Plenty of meat to use before the whine, brake work is service center's bread-and-butter and the incentive for them to rip you off is very high.


SunnySideUp-yj t1_ixe046p wrote

As a mechanic I say good for you! I for one am sick and tired of getting a bad name because some scumbags decide to take advantage of people. I'm really tired of it. I tell people this all the time, if you don't trust your mechanic go find a new one! Vehicles are complicated as are some of the grey areas of pa inspection law. You don't want someone you don't trust working on your vehicles! Yet most people will just go back to whomever is cheapest. It's a pet peeve of mine after watching some of this shit first hand. Especially seeing cars that clearly should not under and circumstance have had a sticker put on them roll into the shop for something minor. If someone's car falls apart on the road and injures someone I care about there will be hell to pay! Integrity people! Anyway, fuck that shop. Get a written statement from the dealership you went to that the inspection mechanic that did your inspection didn't replace any parts and bring your receipt from the dealership.


ISOtrails t1_ixadpf9 wrote

You've raised a red flag, if they do anything further under a microscope theyre just playing with fire.


Good for you for speaking up, no one likes being taken advantage of... Seinfeld had a bit- Johnson Rod- you need a new johnson rod here- the flanges are all warped. yea okay whatever you say buddy- just make it so my cars wheels dont fall off and my engine doesnt seize and i stop when i want to.


Eff people who don't have scruples.


Commissar-Porkchop t1_ixardpz wrote

Man, the shop I go to for inspections... I literally walk in with my paperwork, sit in the office, and the dude just fills me out a new sticker. Takes all of 5 minutes.


cheese4theppl t1_ixasea6 wrote

I would show up half an hour before the inspector comes and ask for 5k to leave and not come back.


hcb9117 t1_ixawi6j wrote

Doesn't address your main point, but just to throw out here as general advice, always get a second opinion until you find a garage you can trust.

My company uses owns heavy equipment and employs a mechanic who is excellent on passenger vehicles as well as heavy equipment. Any time I use a new garage, I thank them for their opinion then take it to him so he can verify (or not) that what the garage is legitimate.

I certainly understand that I have an option in him that most people don't have, but try to find someone trusted, a friend or at leadt a friend of a friend, who knows vehicles well enough to verify what a garage says. If you don't have anyone like that, at least take it to one or two different garages to see if the opinions match up.

If the garage is bullshitting you, a second garage won't match up with their opinions. Worst case, even if both tried to bullshit you, they'd list different items they claim you need.


FawltyPython t1_ixaytr9 wrote

This happened to me at a shop, I never went back there. I didn't do the diligent thing and get it inspected elsewhere.


JazzFan1998 t1_ixb3n6r wrote

If you're on Facebook, maybe mention this in a neighborhood group. (Did anyone else have this issue?)

You might get some interesting responses. I agree with the mechanic who responded, Go through with it.

Make sure you have another mechanic to go to because this bridge is burned.

Can you say what county you're in?

I'm in Philly and there was a inspector from the state, (not a employee of the company) when I was there.


vogelsyn t1_ixb6cee wrote

how do you get it so spun around that you're on their list?? why are they not on YOUR shit list? don't go back there.


South_Divide_4329 t1_ixb8xtx wrote

It’s a matter that needs dealt with, that’s for sure. I don’t mind writing a bunch of exemption stickers for brand new automobiles, but when I have to run a smog test on a 2021-whatever with 5,001 miles on the odometer, every day, it gets annoying. I try to eliminate unnecessary travel on our concrete floors, but the PAS computer is far enough away to become taxing in the constant back-and-forth tasks involved.


MortimerDongle t1_ixd56xc wrote

New cars should come with an inspection sticker that expires in like three years. It's just a waste of time and money.


AppleTStudio t1_ixb9k5d wrote

Funny, just had the exact opposite happen to me recently. Took my car to a dealership for years (always treated me well). The last couple times I’ve gone, they’ve been treating me like I’m on their shit list or a major inconvenience to them.

The last time I took my car there, they failed me for a state inspection, and also tried to scare me into paying nearly $1,000 for repairs.

Ended up calling them out on their bullshit and got everything knocked down to $350 (I did have some stuff broken, but it wasn’t $1,000-worth). I will NOT be going back.

Good luck to you, OP, hope you get those assholes by the balls!


forfox_sake t1_ixb9y3w wrote

RemindMe! 15 hours "shifty mechanic"


Kkindler08 t1_ixbejmd wrote

I need to know if this place is around me. What’s the city and shop?


IamSauerKraut t1_ixben5d wrote

Call PennDOT. Their inspection station guys will have a word, and you might get your $30 back.


011011010110110 t1_ixbhial wrote

OP is about to go to pound town on this shop tomorrow and as a former licensed inspection mechanic i am here for it


SendAstronomy t1_ixbrpo4 wrote

They would be completely stupid to sabotage your car now that someone is looking over their shoulder.

Go gettem op. You got this.


flyingincybertubes t1_ixc0xnv wrote

Where do you find a QAO? How do you report these things if they happen where you live?


2civics t1_ixc8cil wrote

I am a state inspection mechanic. I highly doubt that the shop will be angry at you. They will be angry at the mechanic and very worried about possible fines/suspensions.


Stonecutter_12-83 t1_ixcgo90 wrote

I moved to this state just over a decade ago and I still hate this inspection bullshit. I'm glad I dont live in a place with emissions though.

It's not like the inspection protects you from any liability, it's literally a bullshit money grab


Lyad t1_ixcquhz wrote

I’ve been suspicious of so many interactions I’ve had with auto mechanics… most recently, a “Mr. Tire” told me my car was dangerous to drive unless I let them make certain repairs—but the friggin guy never told me how much it would cost. I focused on the danger and panicked, saying, “ok well it sounds like there isn’t really a choice here. Do it.” When I got the 4-digit price tag after it was all done, and realized I was never told before hand, I complained and they admitted the guy I talked to should have told me. I argued with them about how unprofessional it was. They gave me 2 coupons for free oil changes. I paid and left mad.

I am fascinated to hear there’s something you can actually do about the deceptive scoundrels out there. Good luck!


StatisticianSure2349 t1_ixcu6po wrote

This is why pa. Needs to get rid of this shit show. U have to indpected by a shop that does the work. Wtf. Rife for fuckin people over.


Username-sAvailable t1_ixd6r1f wrote

Small independent shop tried to charge me $1.6k one time. Took it to another independent shop and paid $400. Forever scarred unfortunately.


key2mydisaster t1_ixdhpnm wrote

How are you supposed to trust they won't do something to the car? I hate the way PA does their inspections. Going to private shops versus one location while you're present basically means that they can say whatever they want to regarding repairs.

Inspections are one of the very few things I miss about living in Delaware. Sitting while they run diagnostics and then being told if it fails go repair it and come back - no fees until registration.


Baguette_Theory t1_ixdrpdd wrote

Avoid that service center at all costs, they are slow, install faulty parts, and beg for money


TripCraft t1_ixdrqyu wrote

My husband is a mechanic for BMW, he’s required to do videos of cars that come in and shows the recommended fixes. He gets sick when mechanics are shady and not truthful.


bignick222 t1_ixeeims wrote

Everyone looking to scam. Everyone business they all need money and yours look green.


ho_merjpimpson t1_ixcoi0k wrote

ohh man. what did Dwight Shrute call it? fruedenshlag? the vicarious revenge porn dopamine im getting from this post is so strong.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixcw65h wrote



ho_merjpimpson t1_ixcy5ky wrote

dwight on the office had a word for when everything was "right". im getting great satisfaction by the justice you will(hopefully) be getting here, because that shop has likely screwed over plenty of people before. as have many other shops. nice to see one of these shops get its deserved punishment. hopefully.

PERFECTENSCHLAG! HAHA. THATS IT. wow, i was way off. lol.


TigerPride95 t1_ixa6c2q wrote

So this was a brand new car.? Your dealer didn’t offer you free inspection? Just curious about why you would take it somewhere else if the dealer included free inspection when you bought it.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixa9hsv wrote

Sadly I don’t get free inspections with this dealership. I recently relocated to PA and bought my car at a different dealership (out of state).


No-Setting9690 t1_ix9z07p wrote

I like to assume people are good, so in this situation I just assume everyone's a dumbass before evil and ripping you off.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ixabf80 wrote

And honestly that may be the case. But the incompetence is still unacceptable, and at least through this process they can be re-trained.


DBEuro t1_ix9ug56 wrote

Inspections pass or fail you are charged. I would do nothing if the car dealership passed it keep on driving.


mandyaffogato OP t1_ix9v1mf wrote

Yes I know they are P/F. I think the problem is that they told me I needed $1k of repairs in order to pass. I was fortunate to have been skeptical, because they were wrong. At best this is incompetence, but at worst it is fraud. I could not just keep on driving knowing this.