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diatriose OP t1_iy03m1g wrote

So I'd seen ones with the gold jawn on one side or the other but not both sides. I'm perplexed!


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy03sae wrote

Yeah, I’m thinking maybe these are a newer version? That or they’re for some other specific position. The ones on that site I linked are from 99, so certainly possible. Does this one have the CC under that blur?


jwill602 t1_iy07lci wrote

The plate is at least 5 years old, since the tag says 9-17


kabrex t1_iy083bu wrote

That was the last year we needed stickers.


jwill602 t1_iy08hiz wrote

Correct, so the plate existed at least that long ago.


IamSauerKraut t1_iy478k1 wrote

So, it belongs to an appeals level judge who was on the bench in 2017 and who drives an overpriced status symbol bought/leased from a Rt 30 dealership?


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy08646 wrote

Ah, missed that. Still very possible it changed between 99 and 17 though.


jwill602 t1_iy091vj wrote

It’s possible, but looking at other plates in your link, the fact that it says “” at the bottom instead of something about a court makes it inconsistent with the other designs.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy0aouq wrote

I looked it up and the website was added to seemingly most plates in 2003, so it makes sense it would have it given the tag.

The only license plates I can find with that coat of arms are those court plates I linked. So it seems fairly likely this a newer version of those older court plates (or another similar specific political position). If you have any other evidence, I’m all ears.


jwill602 t1_iy0cvzs wrote

My only evidence is that it doesn’t fit with the other plates on the page. I know my state rep’s plate doesn’t have the website and he was elected long after 2003. It says Representative, like the ones in your linked page.


Zoeysmama1018 t1_iy0t3g2 wrote

No tags necessary in PA for years. They’ve been discontinued as people were stealing them.


mainelinerzzzzz t1_iy0ybmo wrote

They were discontinued once the PSP plate readers were up and fully running.


jwill602 t1_iy1y0s6 wrote

Correct. That’s how I know how old it is


DeadSwaggerStorage t1_iy1gyft wrote

Nah; stickers hasn’t been used in years; cops just scan your plate.


jwill602 t1_iy1xzsz wrote

Correct. Which is how I’m able to date the plate.


point_breeze69 t1_iy1i56w wrote

So they’re driving around with expired plates? Probably a government official then.


jwill602 t1_iy1y1wt wrote

Are you from PA? We don’t use the tags any more


diatriose OP t1_iy048v3 wrote

No CC. No other markings just a 2-digit number


Repo_co t1_iy1j75a wrote

I thought I was on the Pittsburgh sub until I saw jawn lol, then I realized this was the PA sub.