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hail-seitan420 t1_iv0yfuv wrote


Inert_Uncle_858 t1_iv104e0 wrote

He's white. Who cares? I'm not racist. He has loyalties to an authoritarian dictatorship. That's a valid criticism.

You may be mistaking me for a feel good compromise on everything, political moderate performative outrage SJW liberal.

I'm working class, progressive with leftist views on social programs and tax allocation. Rural, pro labor. We're tough, but we can be tougher together.

Plus that sentence was in reference to how republicans (typically extra xenophobic) chose him over other candidates.


hail-seitan420 t1_iv1pnoc wrote

first of all he's from the US, so not a "foreigner" just because he has duel citizenship. second, if you're really a progressive, as an American you'll understand you're standing in a glass house trying to guilt him by association with the Turkish regime just because his family is from there.


Practical_Law_7002 t1_iv1z56g wrote

>first of all he's from the US, so not a "foreigner" just because he has duel citizenship. second, if you're really a progressive, as an American you'll understand you're standing in a glass house trying to guilt him by association with the Turkish regime just because his family is from there.

The guy spent just as much time in the Turkish Army than Pennsylvania, (Moved to the state in late 2020 and spent two years in the Turkish Army.) it's a very valid point to not want that representing a state in the Federal Senate when he doesn't have the first clue what the state needs or wants...


hail-seitan420 t1_iv27apt wrote

the fact that he's a grifter with an nj mansion that doesn't give a fuck about pa is a completely different issue. ill shit on him all day for that.

just not here for people trying to paint their political opponents as treasonous foreigners against the US or some shit just because they have ties to countries with governments they have negative opinions about. person above tried to backtrack saying oz is a white guy, but it's still xenophobia. honestly the kind of shit you'd expect to hear from the maga people.


Sonnescheint t1_iv5h612 wrote

Friendly reminder that Erdogans bodyguards attacked American citizens on American soil during a visit to the White House during Trumps administration.

Erdogan is still the leader of Turkey to this day, and Oz has longstanding connections with him, as well as having served in the Turkish Army.

Thats like electing a known member of the KGB to Congress.


Aromat_Junkie t1_iv1q2yz wrote

(oz voter here), well to be fair... he also went and served in the military in turkey to become a citizen.


hail-seitan420 t1_iv1rd24 wrote

don't care/doesn't have any bearing on what he does in america to be honest unless you see the world through a nationalist lens


Aromat_Junkie t1_iv1ztia wrote

generally don't care, especially if you're local. In PA you need to be a citizen to be a Principal in PA I believe. Absurd requirement for someone who's probably already been a teacher for 20 years.

But for Congress? Who's directly responsible for declaring war on other nations? Yeah... I probably care more. I also care more if it was canada versus turkey