bdschuler t1_iuz97up wrote
Where have you been?
From the web:
"Shapiro wants traditional debates. Mastriano says they’re unfair since they typically involve media representatives who hug Democrats and “trap” Republicans. He proposed debates run by the campaigns. Shapiro said, uh, no.
So, now Mastriano offers a “fair” debate. At a time and place of his own choosing, Oct. 22, Penn Harris Hotel, Camp Hill. With a moderator of his own choosing, Mercedes Schlapp, married to Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union which runs CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee. She’s a former White House aide and 2020 campaign aide to Mastriano-endorser, Donald Trump."
Basically one guy, Mastriano has a snow balls chance in hell of getting elected. Even die hard Republicans don't want to vote for a guy so filled with hate that he hates just about every group out there. Meanwhile, Democrat Josh Shapiro has been the PA Attorney General since 2017 and has an impressive record for fighting crime. It is the most lopsided race in decades and thus why nobody is really talking about it.
Kass626 OP t1_iuza3lk wrote
This is great information, thanks. Being able to blame the lack of a debate or honest debate on a single candidate helps. I'm not great at googling the perfect combo to find the right info, I end up reading so many articles, pages, and watching 15 minute videos to learn nothing.
mattcrwi t1_iuzdazn wrote
You're not alone. Anything not national is hard to find good info.
[deleted] t1_iv0rvdw wrote
> Anything not national is hard to find good info.
Which is annoying since local and state elections tend to be the more important ones.
bdschuler t1_iuzhq8k wrote
You are very welcome. Yeah, the whole PA Gov race has been basically written off as over before it really even started.. so nobody is really doing any coverage, news stories, etc.. and even when they try.. it becomes a soapbox for just one person yelling conspiracy theories as even he knows he has no chance so he just wants his 15 mins of fame. So sadly you really can't find much information anywhere.
Glad I could answer why for you though and thank you for voting.
IamSauerKraut t1_iuzmfae wrote
There are a ton of articles about the 2 PA guv candidates. It is not that difficult.
dtcstylez10 t1_iv0doym wrote
Republicans still nominated him in the primaries though. Think about that.
bdschuler t1_iv1is8v wrote
Well yeah, that was their whole problem. He is offensive enough that some people LOVE him and were willing to turn out for him in the primaries. Other candidates split the vote and didn't have as enthusiastic following of people who turned out.
The Republican party went so far as to beg people not to vote for him before the primary. So he won because of the situation. But his following is very small and thus, was out of the race before it even started.
oldschoolskater t1_iuzk6y1 wrote
The dirty little secret is Republicans are completely fine with Shapiro. Republicans don't want to deal with polarization that comes with Mastriano. Republicans will control the state legislature. Shapiro will be the governor. They'll work together and be successful. Everyone wins.
[deleted] t1_iv0s0ea wrote
> The dirty little secret is Republicans are completely fine with Shapiro
Is it even really a secret? The FOP is openly endorsing him, as are some other conservative leaning groups.
kiddestructo t1_iuzntvs wrote
Interesting. Do you actually think there is that much sanity left?
412Junglist t1_iuzz1sh wrote
No party is a monolith. The sensible ones have abandoned Mastriano.
kerkuffles t1_iva2o83 wrote
It's how I plan on voting. Shapiro for governor, and republican down ticket.
Mastriano isn't the dude I want in the office. Shapiro isn't either, but he's "the lesser of two evils"...sigh
oldschoolskater t1_iv0j9jv wrote
No. There isn't.
PPQue6 t1_iuzm2p4 wrote
I want what you're smoking...
IamSauerKraut t1_iuzmh45 wrote
He's smoking the truth. Pretty sure he'll share some with you.
discogeek t1_iv0h7da wrote
oldschoolskater t1_iv0jgnc wrote
"who run Bartertown?"
teamwybro t1_iv2l3hw wrote
>It is the most lopsided race in decades and thus why nobody is really talking about it.
So why am I still sick to my stomach at the thought of another '16 Surprise, waking up with Doug E. Treason as my state governor?
bdschuler t1_iv3tsti wrote
Probably because you know anything can happen and also are aware that there are plenty of people who vote to destroy this country as a joke.
I always say if someone invents a phone booth that cures cancer and puts it out on a street corner.. some idiot would destroy it within a week just to show up those cancer patients and get a laugh. It is the society in which we live unfortunately.
Take solace though in that you would not be alone in thinking it would be among the worst things to ever happen to PA. A large majority would think that.. though only a fraction will actually take the time to vote to stop it from happening.
So your fear, uncertainty, and sick stomach will be common to many people living in PA come election night, mine included. The only good news.. one way or the other, it is almost over.
IamSauerKraut t1_iuzmbxe wrote
He's been hiding in MastriaNO's backyard.
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