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brig_pudding t1_iy5nfkj wrote

The county will be sued and a judge will order them to certify. Same thing happened in the primaries. Waste of time and taxpayer dollars. Good work, idiots.


BeltfedOne t1_iy67ota wrote

Thanks again to the party of law & order that wants only their way. Slow joker clap for financial prudence also... /S


Blexcr0id t1_iy7rhq2 wrote

Interesting that they are trying this tactic in two battleground states ( PA & AZ). I think this is planned by the GQP and they arent afraid to "disenfranchise" their own voters to gain a toehold of legitimacy to support their election quonspiracy b.s.


steelceasar t1_iy86vnf wrote

I think this is true, they lost ground this election so might as well try to get some legal precedent out of the situation in preparation for 2024.


UCplanning t1_iy885lp wrote

Nah. They vote again tomorrow night. the abstaining Dem has stated he will vote to certify. No lawsuit needed.


Inevitable-Turnip-54 t1_iy8kv70 wrote

Any reason given for abstaining? Is it to just draw attention to the fact that 2 people were voting not to certify?


UCplanning t1_iy8th70 wrote

According to the the NPR report he "Needed more information." and "Wanted to be assured that every citizen who wanted to vote was able to." That's all I know.


rivershimmer t1_iy8v64d wrote

> "Wanted to be assured that every citizen who wanted to vote was able to."

Oh, so now Republicans are concerned about voter disenfranchisement.


Jtk317 t1_iyf7iok wrote

The one that abstained was a Democrat.