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TheUltimateSalesman t1_iy7znvl wrote

Why is better for elected officials and the citizenry to certify an election with doubt than to certify one without?

Until the state releases all the source code for the machines and tabulators, it's all bullshit anyways.


StupiderIdjit t1_iy8569k wrote

Because you assholes "doubt" it regardless of the abundance of evidence you're shown. You make up claims out of thin air, are debunked with actual physical evidence, and just whine "well I still don't believe it."

And the rest of us are supposed to just go along with you and pretend like it's valid concerns and opinions? We'll never have an election without doubt because you fucking conspiracy theorist morons consider email chains and "WHAT ABOUT?!" questions evidence.


better_med_than_dead t1_iy9ssou wrote

You don't get to hold up democracy just because you're an ignorant fool.


TheUltimateSalesman t1_iy9szze wrote

Sure you do. It's called due process. You hate it until it benefits you. Be happy you can even seek redress, I've lived in communist countries, and you can't question ANYTHING.


better_med_than_dead t1_iyf2ocr wrote

Due process says that the Election results are to be certified by a specific date, regardless of what some (likely biased) Pennsyltuckian might "believe", elected official or not.

Regardless of actual election law (which you clearly don't even understand, LOL), there's zero evidence of fraud. Perhaps you should go back to your previous country of residence instead of trying to push your election-denial ideals here.


TheUltimateSalesman t1_iyfab5e wrote

And people have due process rights. Get over it. You don't know if they have evidence or not, you're not a party to the suit.