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brig_pudding t1_iy5nfkj wrote

The county will be sued and a judge will order them to certify. Same thing happened in the primaries. Waste of time and taxpayer dollars. Good work, idiots.


BeltfedOne t1_iy67ota wrote

Thanks again to the party of law & order that wants only their way. Slow joker clap for financial prudence also... /S


Blexcr0id t1_iy7rhq2 wrote

Interesting that they are trying this tactic in two battleground states ( PA & AZ). I think this is planned by the GQP and they arent afraid to "disenfranchise" their own voters to gain a toehold of legitimacy to support their election quonspiracy b.s.


steelceasar t1_iy86vnf wrote

I think this is true, they lost ground this election so might as well try to get some legal precedent out of the situation in preparation for 2024.


UCplanning t1_iy885lp wrote

Nah. They vote again tomorrow night. the abstaining Dem has stated he will vote to certify. No lawsuit needed.


Inevitable-Turnip-54 t1_iy8kv70 wrote

Any reason given for abstaining? Is it to just draw attention to the fact that 2 people were voting not to certify?


UCplanning t1_iy8th70 wrote

According to the the NPR report he "Needed more information." and "Wanted to be assured that every citizen who wanted to vote was able to." That's all I know.


rivershimmer t1_iy8v64d wrote

> "Wanted to be assured that every citizen who wanted to vote was able to."

Oh, so now Republicans are concerned about voter disenfranchisement.


Jtk317 t1_iyf7iok wrote

The one that abstained was a Democrat.


Allemaengel t1_iy5f58d wrote

Crappily inept dumbass county government. I live in an adjacent county that looks amazingly competent at running an election compared to these Luzerne clowns.

Last time actual ballots were found next to dumpster. Unbelievable.


IamSauerKraut t1_iy5izu1 wrote

Might be time to put the Luzerne elections system/department under receivership.


Allemaengel t1_iy7tgd6 wrote

Not a bad idea but going through multiple county managers suggests the real issue rests up the food chain with the county council.

The entire county government really should be received and reconstructed with best practices. The elected officials have lost control, if they ever had it.


JennItalia269 t1_iy5p2d8 wrote

All my family is from there. Glad my dad had enough foresight to move away from there 45 years ago.


Allemaengel t1_iy7t89x wrote

A lot of people have over the years. I live up that was but commute to Bucks County and lots of people at work have friends or relatives that did.

It could be a nice area to live but the corruption, bad roads, poor school districts, etc. just makes it so bad that good people with resources leave, good people without resources get stuck and corrupt crappy government happily proliferates.


TheOperaGhostofKinja t1_iy7sbkb wrote

I’m tangentially linked to a legal case involving Luzerne County. It’s been going on since 2018.

From my understanding, the lawyers involved have reached multiple settlement agreements, with the only thing needed to make the whole case go away is for the County Board to approve the settlement. Every single time they’ve either not even put it on the schedule to be voted on, or rejected the settlement.

The county has probably spent more $ on legal fees than the settlement.


Allemaengel t1_iy7tku0 wrote

Gee, why am I not surprised when it's Other People's Money, a.k.a. the taxpayers'.

Edit- typo.


italia06823834 t1_iy9dtrq wrote

Luzerne in generally is just really weird. It has Wilkes-Barre and Hazelton, fairly large "cities", but then a ton of really quite rural areas. It's like a microcosm of the whole US.


Agent-Pierce- t1_iy5hlbz wrote

Home rule county council destroyed the county government. Every member but one is right wing, poorly educated and generally embaressing. They had no chance of election under the old county commisoners system which was corrupt but at least more representative of the electorate.


[deleted] t1_iy5p7vg wrote



MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iy5tjzo wrote

The one Dem who abstained will vote to certify tomorrow. What idiocy. The fact is, a clear, substantial majority of Pennsylvanians are done—done!—with Trumpist “stolen election” bullshit. Want to win an election? Get voters on board. Convince them to support your party. Now, I doubt that a majority will ever support assclown “strongman” type candidates like, say, Floriduh, but I guess it could happen. This isn’t mostly about policy, by the way. It cuts much, much deeper. It’s about having a frickin democracy. Policies can be changed. Democracies aren’t easily rebuilt. Fuck Trumpists.


BeltfedOne t1_iy66s3w wrote

VERY DONE. This fuckery needs to end, this election cycle.


Agent-Pierce- t1_iy5q860 wrote

"Home rule county council" is what I clearly wrote and what I am discussing. Tell me, how many members are there on Luzerne County Council and what are their party affiliations?


BurghPuppies t1_iy63yoy wrote

Not taking sides on this, but it IS interesting that people who didn’t vote because they didn’t stick around until 10pm when ballots were available are called “disenfranchised”, whereas people whose mailed ballots were received late or undated just had their votes tossed.

Also… how in the Dwight Kurt Schrute did they run out of paper so close to Scranton???


Feeling-Bench3966 t1_iy6pu0z wrote

Let me make this abundantly clear, no one ran out of BALLOTS. There were Emergency Ballots which can be ran through the tabulator the only difference is it is filled in by pen and not printed from a printer. Every polling ward received 100 of these. Then the provisional ballots are given in an over abundance for use when the voter and or circumstances around the vote need to be reviewed. These are all fixed with a ballot number and a unique ballot receipt that corresponds with the ballot. There are instructions on how to check the status of the ballot on the ballot receipt. Anyone who couldn't vote chose not to because they wanted to use the printer to mark their choice rather than a pen.

On the other side, Luzerne County should be ashamed of itself and how their ineptitude has added another layer of doubt to an already skeptical public. The lady who runs the Election Bureau needs to be fired( she already is an elected official for the county seat city government who should not have been allowed to serve both positions as per the law), an investigation as to who knew what and when needs to be done by the state and the results need to have some type of future checks and balances that should be done and made public BEFORE the next election. Things like make the amount of backup paper each machine receives be made standard and double checked before and on election day. Make sure the phone number for the bureau is always answered by a person especially on election day even if it means putting callers in a queue. Make sure the voicemail system can always take voicemails!! I've heard from a good source that the voicemail was full the weeks leading up to election day and on election day leaving callers to have to continuously call back until an understaffed and under paid office employee answered.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iy880dd wrote

That's just how my normal ballot is in my district. You fill in the bubble with pen and run it into the machine.


TheUltimateSalesman t1_iy7znvl wrote

Why is better for elected officials and the citizenry to certify an election with doubt than to certify one without?

Until the state releases all the source code for the machines and tabulators, it's all bullshit anyways.


StupiderIdjit t1_iy8569k wrote

Because you assholes "doubt" it regardless of the abundance of evidence you're shown. You make up claims out of thin air, are debunked with actual physical evidence, and just whine "well I still don't believe it."

And the rest of us are supposed to just go along with you and pretend like it's valid concerns and opinions? We'll never have an election without doubt because you fucking conspiracy theorist morons consider email chains and "WHAT ABOUT?!" questions evidence.


better_med_than_dead t1_iy9ssou wrote

You don't get to hold up democracy just because you're an ignorant fool.


TheUltimateSalesman t1_iy9szze wrote

Sure you do. It's called due process. You hate it until it benefits you. Be happy you can even seek redress, I've lived in communist countries, and you can't question ANYTHING.


better_med_than_dead t1_iyf2ocr wrote

Due process says that the Election results are to be certified by a specific date, regardless of what some (likely biased) Pennsyltuckian might "believe", elected official or not.

Regardless of actual election law (which you clearly don't even understand, LOL), there's zero evidence of fraud. Perhaps you should go back to your previous country of residence instead of trying to push your election-denial ideals here.


TheUltimateSalesman t1_iyfab5e wrote

And people have due process rights. Get over it. You don't know if they have evidence or not, you're not a party to the suit.


BureaucraticHotboi t1_iy6l8df wrote

Yeah the running out of paper is the real scandal. Anyone allowed to vote should have no problem doing so no matter the method. Conservatives have been grabbing onto the disenfranchised language…well maybe invest in good election practices but that would require actually working towards good governance instead of just pointing around wildly yelling “conspiracy!”


Yachtrocker717 t1_iy5ue39 wrote

Can't say I am surprised from the same county that brought us such hits as "Kids for Cash'.


Allemaengel t1_iy9ljrh wrote

That the TV show Law & Order actually did an episode based off of way back.

And let's not forget Ernie Preate. Wasn't he from Luzerne?


wagsman t1_iy69ynf wrote

There’s the Luzerne we know and loathe.


sx70forlifexx t1_iy5s9c1 wrote

Lmao that tracks since the average iq dreams of being double digits


djb25 t1_iy6b81h wrote

If only they were as good at certifying elections as they were at selling children.


DrapedInVelvet t1_iy5vcfr wrote

They should really focus on their actual problems. You know, poverty, opioids, the delusion that anyone likes their weird American cheese and onion poverty bread they call pizza.


Bconz56 t1_iy64wma wrote

They’re like really proud of that pizza too, like it’s a special treat.


DrapedInVelvet t1_iy6ieat wrote

They really really are. My wife and I had to live there for a few years. I told my wife ‘this is what your mom made when she doesn’t want to go to the store so she uses up what’s in the cabinets’


MuricaMatt t1_iy6r890 wrote

Old Forge style is trash. I never got the hype over it.


Asleep-Arm5840 t1_iy5fj1b wrote

incompetence do be running rampant tho


Revolutionary-Swim28 t1_iy635jp wrote

They should recount and see how much the other one actually lost. These people I hope eat their shoes when Josh takes oath soon


all4whatnot t1_iy5j5vu wrote

Is this the equivalent of “I’m taking my ball and going home”?


IamSauerKraut t1_iy5lnez wrote

More like "we is stupid as f and we don't care if you laugh at us."


BureaucraticHotboi t1_iy6ld85 wrote

I am taking my ball, but am deadlocked so I can’t go home…now I will cost the state a bunch of money to tell me to leave the ball that I don’t own and go home


sweedishchef8286 t1_iy6hlmb wrote

I seriously need to know..

How do they run out of paper? They should have enough that IF they had a 100% voter turnout in the respective precinct everyone would have their own paper.


spicynuggies t1_iy6rolc wrote

How embarrassing, this is bullshit.


JohnW816 t1_iy6x39o wrote

As a resident of the Wilkes-Barre suburbs, this is embarrassing. Very, very embarrassing.

Not surprising mind you, but still embarrassing.


Keynova81 t1_iy6guo0 wrote

There is no limit to their stupidity.


Feeling-Bench3966 t1_iy6q7dc wrote

Let me make this abundantly clear, no one ran out of BALLOTS. There were Emergency Ballots which can be ran through the tabulator the only difference is it is filled in by pen and not printed from a printer. Every polling ward received 100 of these. Then the provisional ballots are given in an over abundance for use when the voter and or circumstances around the vote need to be reviewed. These are all fixed with a ballot number and a unique ballot receipt that corresponds with the ballot. There are instructions on how to check the status of the ballot on the ballot receipt. Anyone who couldn't vote chose not to because they wanted to use the printer to mark their choice rather than a pen.

On the other side, Luzerne County should be ashamed of itself and how their ineptitude has added another layer of doubt to an already skeptical public. The lady who runs the Election Bureau needs to be fired( she already is an elected official for the county seat city government who should not have been allowed to serve both positions as per the law), an investigation as to who knew what and when needs to be done by the state and the results need to have some type of future checks and balances that should be done and made public BEFORE the next election. Things like make the amount of backup paper each machine receives be made standard and double checked before and on election day. Make sure the phone number for the bureau is always answered by a person especially on election day even if it means putting callers in a queue. Make sure the voicemail system can always take voicemails!! I've heard from a good source that the voicemail was full the weeks leading up to election day and on election day leaving callers to have to continuously call back until an understaffed and under paid office employee answered.


MartianActual t1_iy7uiqt wrote

What are the richest kids in the poorest towns up to now?


SBRH33 t1_iy6hcwz wrote

Arizona just tried this bullshit.


PGHNeil t1_iy5lkrp wrote

Yup. Way to go, Wilxberry. SMDH


Flimsy-Lie-1471 t1_iy65z98 wrote

Smart people started leaving there about 60 years ago. Most were gone 30 years ago. Now all you have left there is losers. A damn shame.

PS. I grew up there.


zerooze t1_iy79dhj wrote

Hey, some of us had to stay for family members. Don't call me a fucking loser. Someone who goes online to trash talk an entire group of people they don't even know is the one who is the loser. I work for the federal government here, and I've devoted my life to helping the less fortunate. Who I am is not a function of where I live.


TheCoolerSam t1_iy8byy2 wrote

Thank you for saying this. I'm surprised at the amount of people in this thread, who are apparently from Pennsylvania, that are just dunking on Wilkes-Barre and Luzerne County. The local government being corrupt is not the people's fault, rather it's a product of decades of institutional rot.

I would love for these people to come up here and look around? Visit and see that NEPA is a part of Pennsylvania? I think it's very telling that despite having 550k+ people between Lackawanna and Luzerne County, most people in this thread only recognize WB based on Kids for Cash. Maybe doing something and helping improve the quality of life and reduce corruption in counties like Luzerne would be more helpful than calling everyone there losers.


1stBigHank t1_iy6qab2 wrote

No good reason to run out of paper. To run out in the first half of the day is pathetic. Also no reason you couldn't have those people fill out a provisional ballet and then cure it. And lets not forget the ability to write down anyone's name who was denied a vote. They don't know how many because no one tried to keep a count.

1 guy with a tally board could keep track of people who came after they ran out with no names at all.

No one tried to get accurate facts, because "uncountable voters turned away" is a better narrative.


WitchyBitchy2112 t1_iy7gw65 wrote

I heard the banjos from “Deliverance” last time I was there.


Evilroot55 t1_iy7himb wrote

I’ll say the same thing about Pennsylvania as I did the Arizona freak show. We have plenty of room in our prison system so good luck with this strategy


Quicklyquigly t1_iy6qi1o wrote

Someone should actually sue them….


bett7yboop t1_iy808cf wrote

dumb ass republicans they are stupid karens .


tennisfanatic1 t1_iy8a8ci wrote

Will someone please fire these people if they don’t comply with the law


bignick222 t1_iy7tlrz wrote

Take it out of their tax base Deduction on road money or anything else that what the republicans party is try and doing wasting our money You know the Americans people hard earned dollars Assholes.


Muser69 t1_iy8227q wrote

Ahole of Pa


Dunn_or_what t1_iy8aavm wrote

Does mountain air make you stupid? I only ask because I plan on moving uphill shortly and I'm not sure I can lose anymore brain cells like these people. holding up the certification change the outcome of the results in the rest of the state? If not then certify the vote count.


karabo29 t1_iy8emf9 wrote

what a joke. so important to prove that a made up conspiracy is happening. fucking contards. gas tax yourself out of a job bunch of bitches


drunkmonkey176 t1_iy8fo9z wrote

There's an infestation of domestic terrorist trash in this state and our country. It seriously needs taken out.


Odd-Seaworthiness330 t1_iy8m6u6 wrote

You think by now these people would know how to run an election. Time to clean house!


kuweiyox t1_iy9a2r0 wrote

Who keeps voting for these clowns?


me_mark77 t1_iy5zxm1 wrote

It’s happening in Berks county too. 96 voters said the machine ‘flipped their vote from republican to democrat’


ItsjustJim621 t1_iy61xya wrote

Does the entire state have those scantron sheets you feed into the machines? There’s no way of flipping those votes if you filled out the bubbles.

And the USB sticks in those machines have a security seal that can only be broken by the Judge of Elections for a given precinct, which is sealed in an envelope with a lock along with the serial number of the seal that’s broken when you go to retrieve it after polls close to tabulate the results.