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CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjor33 wrote

I reread ops post and his address was challenged he didn’t use those words but that’s exactly what happened and as for why the person said it’s a new thing, it’s not. It’s easier to explain it away to idiots though.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjpi3x wrote

The context is he was challenged for no reason other than “We are trying something new this year.” That’s the context we were given. And I don’t know where you get the goose stepping angle from in your other replies. From what I can read, you and I are on the same side of this debate and you seem to be operating under the assumption that we are all “MAGA snowflakes”. The situation, as they described it, is odd. It’s noteworthy based on the election rules that even you posted here and that many of us are already aware of.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_ivjq49o wrote

No he was challenged, it doesn’t matter why. I can see you at a polling place and challenge you for no reason other than I haven’t seen you before. It isn’t new, I just said that.

And this part(the challenge) isn’t political but I am tired of dumb asses who won’t read, won’t research, and push the same bullshit lies.

Look it up your self so you stop pushing bullshit. That’s why I’m mad.


ZombiZeke t1_ivjr6q1 wrote

But that’s not what the rules say. You can’t be challenged for any reason, why you’re being challenged DOES matter. It says it very clearly in the election rules you keep posting and that I’m already familiar with. I’m not claiming stolen election or fraud. But OP’s scenario is not in line with the rules. That’s all.

I understand your frustration, I have it too from the last few years of insanity. But if someone is willing to do anything even a little out of line, then they may be willing to do something else. It’s noteworthy is my only point.