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[deleted] t1_ix66ih3 wrote



ggtt555 OP t1_ix66p4j wrote

I work overnight and would prefer to not have to work 12 hour shifts when im scheduled for 8, maybe thats just me though 🤷‍♂️


nnnosebleed t1_ix67c2a wrote

Legally, they probably can't write you up for refusing to strain yourself. If they do, contact the labor board, they can probably answer these questions better than reddit, and if you're in the right, help you defend that.

and ignore this guy, nothing wrong with Life coming before work.


ggtt555 OP t1_ix67vjt wrote

Ya thats reddit for ya 😂


wvlurker t1_ix6e6hc wrote

When you say "contact the labor board," what do you mean? The PA Labor Relations Board only deals with disputes related to management and unions not covered by the NLRB, and if OP has a union, they shouldn't be coming here with questions they should be taking to their union instead. This advice is not helpful because the PLRB probably cannot help OP.

Legally, without a contract stating otherwise, your employer can absolutely fire you for refusing to work 12 if you're scheduled for 8. You'll get unemployment, sure, but they can fire you. The answer to this is right on theFAQ at the Department of Labor and Industry (question 5).

I agree that the mandate to work overtime is bullshit and hate that employers are allowed to get away with it, but that's labor law in just about every state in this country, PA included.


vinnie5451 t1_ix6fav4 wrote

They don’t have to write him up they can just fire him as it’s an at will state and if they need someone who can work OT they are free to get rid of you and find someone who will


RatRob t1_ix6dilq wrote

Oh look OP, this guy must be your dick head boss. Lol


Skeeter-Pee t1_ix67a4t wrote

I would say if it isn’t a regular thing enjoy the OT pay and for being seen as a go to employee. Are you trying to work your way up or do you want a entry level position for a while. If you want to work your way up and make more money you gotta do the things others don’t want to sometimes. Hard work is usually rewarded and being rigid about your time off typically isn’t. Just my $.02


jek39 t1_ix6826x wrote

on the flip side, being too much of a doormat about your time off is going to set a bad precedent. I believe in firmly setting those boundaries early. my time is my time. some employers will take whatever you give and more. It's certainly a balance game.


ggtt555 OP t1_ix68scs wrote

Agree, if im scheduled to work for 8 hours ill work hard for that amount of time but wont want to stay longer, especially when im not trying to build a career at this company.


jek39 t1_ix6b3tl wrote

absolutely. a lack of planning on their part does not constitute an emergency for you. that being said, if this is just a one time thing because someone else dropped the ball, I would personally probably stay the shift (assuming I'm not giving up something in my personal life to stay). if it's because they never plan correctly.... not my problem.


ggtt555 OP t1_ix6ersb wrote

its a mixture of poor planning, understaffing, and the holidays so it isn't a one time thing, it's like a 2 month thing lol


Skeeter-Pee t1_ix68feq wrote

With so many people refusing to do more than the minimum it’s easy to stand out anymore. Be flexible with your time while you earn OT and you’ll quickly advance. It’s never been easier to get ahead as so many people are “quiet quitting”.

Do you want to live paycheck to paycheck forever or risk being a doormat for a year or two to impress people and get ahead. Everyone will have a different view point.


jek39 t1_ix6afsr wrote

yea of course. in some situations, that can absolutely be the right move to make. but I don't think refusing to work more hours than I agreed to has to mean I am suddenly living paycheck to paycheck. And I think once your boss sees you are a doormat there's no coming back from that. again just my opinion. that's just been my experience.


ggtt555 OP t1_ix68ef2 wrote

I agree but this time of the year they want people to stay late pretty much every day because of poor decisions on management’s part aswell as understaffing so I don’t want to kill my self working my ass off on something that isn’t my fault. Plus to answer your question atm I don’t plan on working my way up in the company so im not super concerned about that, just wanted to know if im legally required to stay. Thanks


candmjjjc t1_ix6a2g3 wrote

I do not believe you are legally required to stay. It sounds like they are not staffing correctly. That is the company's problem and not yours. No I cannot stay late is all the response you need to give them.


SeaPoem717 t1_ix67xfk wrote

Your employer doesn't care about you and if you drop dead at work you can be replaced by the end of the week.


candmjjjc t1_ix69f6b wrote

This is a legitimate question and I think your response is overly harsh and unnecessary to the conversation. You don't know this person and are projecting a bias on them. Even if they did want to play video games after their scheduled shift, that is their prerogative. Unscheduled required overtime is a mis-management issue and should not fall on the backs of workers. Everyone should be given consistent schedules and if there is an opportunity to make more money working overtime should be given the choice to do so or not.


at-aol-dot-com t1_ix6wfwp wrote

A job that pays $x for 40 hours a week - Which this person has no problem working, and consistently.

How is that having “no responsibility ever?”

Next, wanna go tell enslaved people that they should be grateful? That at least they have work to fill their days with, and the occasional non-moldy meal? Remind them: More appreciation, wayyy less being a literal living person and expecting any non-grueling hours in their days

“Video games.” 😂

The idiocy and ignorance you display here is something something you really should talk to someone about. Someone who doesn’t think a human being should have any non-grueling in a 24 hour period.

Get some self respect while your at it, and stop bowing down and thanking employer who demand more of your time on top of your 40 hours, just bc they can, and have convinced you that REAL hardworkers should play the martyr and lash yourself to the wheel for extra hours over and over again.


lazydaisytoo t1_ix7mfxa wrote

Wait till he hears that that “promotion” comes with a pay cut because the next level up is still expected to work 60 hours a week, but it’s salary, no overtime. All I ever got for being a team player and working harder was more expectations, they didn’t even give annual raises.


thirteenoranges t1_ix68yki wrote

Why should someone get a special pass from their employer just because they made the decision to have kids?