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dratseb t1_iycyoid wrote

You may not realize this but that’s a very pro-criminal, pro-home invader mindset.


ElderlyKratos t1_iycyxoh wrote

I'm not going to kill somebody, hands down. My life at stake, whatever. I don't have it in me to take a life.


dratseb t1_iyczwjo wrote

Being a conscientious objector is cool, it’s a free country and your choice.

From your comment history it’s likely you have an mmj card. Luckily for you, the federal government has already decided that you shouldn’t have the right to defend yourself! Which I disagree with, but that’s for a different sub.

I’m a mutt of minorities. I believe POC and women need to be able to defend themselves since the corrupt government refuses to do it for us. The maga crew literally tried to hang Mike Pence on gallows outside the capitol. If they’re willing to do that to one of their own they most certainly would do it to me.


ElderlyKratos t1_iyd3twp wrote

I get all this and respect that- but the original guy who was being down voted mentioned "needing to repaint his porch" - maybe the down votes were about his casual lack of respect for life instead of about him defending himself. 🤷


mjsisko t1_iydby48 wrote

If you come to my property to harm me or my family you have already told me that you don’t value your life at all. Why should I place any value on it? The OP on this is correct. You enter my property with the intent and a ability to harm me or my family I won’t hesitate to end your time stealing oxygen from the rest of us. They won’t hesitate to harm me or mine.

If this makes you uncomfortable that’s good. It should, but it should make you reevaluate how important your life and the lives of loved ones are to you. There is nothing on this earth I wouldn’t do to protect my children from harm up to and including trading my life for theirs. Anyone that soundly say the same needs to look inside for answers.
