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ornery-fizz t1_ivmqbx1 wrote

My friend, you're moving to what they call pennsyltucky. Central PA is nothing like the cities, but it's perfectly fine for those that want it. Just be aware. With your former states of residency, I'm sure you will be. Welcome! Check out the dcnr for nature stuff. We're spoiled.


Icy-Range-5511 t1_ivmrlb7 wrote

Isn't the Harrisburg area more Central PA? I wouldn't consider that area Pennsyltucky. But an hour outside of Pittsburgh would be Western PA and that definitely would be Pennsyltucky as hell.


JagarHardfart t1_ivn7sfm wrote

Just look at the current voting maps and you can definitely tell which areas are pennsyltucky


[deleted] t1_ivmvc58 wrote

Would you consider an hour outside of Harrisburg pennsyltucky.


Laeif t1_ivn5rs5 wrote

Anywhere you see confederate flags is Pennsyltucky.


artificialavocado t1_ivnh78f wrote

I live about an hour north and I wouldn’t say we are Pennsyltucky here but pretty damn close. Right on the edge.


SnooJokes6665 OP t1_ivmvojr wrote

I guess the easiest way to ask this is how bad are we talking Kentucky terms? Because when I mean ran/drove out of Arkansas I quite literally mean getting out or getting ran over by their lifted pickup trucks 😅. If it helps to be any more specific, offers right now are delmont/Greensburg area, and will be more or less in the city for work


cpr4life8 t1_ivmw2zf wrote

Pretty much the same, but with a different accent


cutiecat565 t1_ivn2mxi wrote

You might see more confederate flags in PA than you did in Arkansas.


SnooJokes6665 OP t1_ivn2xh2 wrote

If all houses have more than 5 windows, each with at least one confederate flag, a porch with the flag, and at least three on each pickup truck I see. Then you are correct.


Patari2600 t1_ivopbse wrote

It won't be that bad. While there are more confederate flags than there should be, I think I've only seen a house with more than 1 flag like once or twice. Despite what people on this sub say, there is not nearly as many confederate flags as there are in the south. I am pretty convinced most people here have never been to a rural southern area.