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[deleted] t1_ivp7hq0 wrote

Ironic your salary must be under 40k, yikes no wonder why you support democrats. You want free hand outs!


[deleted] t1_ivp7kb7 wrote



[deleted] t1_ivp7zt6 wrote

I really don’t care what you are. Just saying the things I’ve pointed out are indeed issues for many successful and hard working Americans with families. We don’t want our hard earned money going to social causes that just continue to promote violence, hate, and higher cost for everything. If these people actually were good people that be a different story. Instead we get gangs fighting downtown, shootings at parties, robberies, theft, abortions, you name it. These people should be in jail.


DoctorSteve OP t1_ivpjy5t wrote

Are you out here saying that no one making under 40k is hard working?

Seriously what is your logic? You have this vendetta against the poor?

Also - do you think people who get abortions should be in jail?!?