Submitted by skrilledcheese t3_yqlko7 in Pennsylvania


So without giving y’all a full autobiography, I am considering moving to the area whenever my house in the Philly suburbs sells and my divorce is finalized. PA is the state I have spent the most time in. It feels like home. I have friends and family in the state, and it is important to me to stay here. But I have a remote job, and can go wherever I want.

This area appeals to me, I need more nature in my life and it’s close to the Poconos. It is closer to my friends/family, more rural than Philly, the rent is cheaper etc. Plus it seems to have enough people (the 200 sq mile metro area has like 550k people in it) for a reasonable social and dating scene, both of which are important to me. I want to find ways to make friends like joining a softball teams, plus I need to start dating again.

So I guess I just want advice from area residents. Pros/Cons of living there, areas to avoid, best place to move in that area for a single man in his 30s, crime rates, what the bar scene is like etc.



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cutiecat565 t1_ivoz6t7 wrote

I'd do either Dallas/Back Mountain or the Abingtons. Stay out of Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre.


skrilledcheese OP t1_ivp1ukx wrote

Thanks for the suggestion. Dallas/Back Mountain looks nice. 33k population, nestled between 2 lakes.

What's wrong with Hazelton/Wilkes. Crime?

I'm 6'3, 235, and I possess a distinctly "not to be fucked with" vibe which has seen me go unscathed while living in bad neighborhoods in Brooklyn, North Jersey, Philly, etc.

Not that I would mind suburbia, but just being near things to do and having a bit of a walkable environment is worth a low risk of danger to me. Are those towns just kinda dead too?


cutiecat565 t1_ivp2ocl wrote

Yeah, lots of crime ans beat up old properties. There is heavy drug use and dealers from Philly/NY hang out in those area. The bars in Wilkes-Barre are nice to hang out in on the weekends (15ish minutes from Dallas), but I wouldn't live there. And a lot of the surrounding towns are in a flood zone. The creeks flood a lot and '100 year' storms are happening more often than that. The Susquehanna has had a few close calls in the last few years. Of the three cities, Scranton is my favorite. If you have no fear of crime, go visit all of them tosee what vibe you like best!


skrilledcheese OP t1_ivp52e1 wrote

Dang, I didn't even consider flooding. Scranton was kinda my top choice before you responded, but Back Mountain is now my number 2 choice for the area.

I do need to visit first, as I have never set foot in the area, but your suggestions and local perspective have really helped. Thank you!


openwheelr t1_ivp823y wrote

I have family in the area. Scranton is pretty dead. There are bars, etc but you're not going to have much of a dating pool. Serious brain drain problem in Northeast PA going back forever. People who get an education get out.

It's also a fairly depressing area in general. Lots of distressed properties everywhere you look and very little investment. The city itself has been on a downward cycle of urban flight ---> higher taxes ---> more urban flight. Very little professional employment in the area outside of the medical field.

If you like the outdoors than it's a little better - nice state parks around. Poconos skiing. Lakes. Plenty of state forest and game land.

Good luck!


plumbus_luvr t1_ivp9sug wrote

Downtown scranton is scary. I see people walking around with ankle monitors constantly


skrilledcheese OP t1_ivpah2b wrote

>Scranton is pretty dead.

Dang. I was kinda hoping to have the option of somewhere kinda walkable.

>There are bars, etc but you're not going to have much of a dating pool. Serious brain drain problem in Northeast PA going back forever. People who get an education get out.

While I am open to falling in love again with another educated woman, my intentions are more casual right now.

Don't get me wrong I am a hopeless romantic, but after 10+ years of commitment, I'm not really itching for a LTR. Especially after I just had my heart ripped out through my wallet.

Hell, I was initially considering moving to lake Wallenpaupack until the Scranton area caught my eye. A city of 80k has to mean a higher number of females, educated or otherwise... right? Lol.

Idk, I figure I got a better chance of meeting people near Scranton than I do on a mountain somewhere.


openwheelr t1_ivpcnxs wrote

Check out the Scranton and NEPA subreddits.

The area is insulated and old-world. Kind of tribal. Outsiders are looked on with suspicion. I married into it, found out for myself lol. But we live 2+ hours away. For a family, there are areas I'd recommend. But as a single dude...Pose the question on r/Scranton and see what they say.

Also - met my wife 25 years ago and not in that area. Brain drain took her away after college. No work.


skrilledcheese OP t1_ivpf4iy wrote

Thanks for the idea! I didn't even think to check if a Scranton sub existed. And I get how tribal rural PA can be. I have family in areas like that.

The work thing isn't an issue for me personally. Remote job. And not to brag, but with the money I'll be getting out of my house, I could make ends meet for years up there without having to work at all.

Anyway, thanks for your perspective and suggestions!


cutiecat565 t1_ivphw3p wrote

Scranton isn't dead! Downtown can be great. There are great activities like First Fridays, and tons of great restaurants full of wonderful people! Tons of activities people in their 30s who are also working professionals. Lots of historical events, open mic nights, and art galleries. There is also softball which you mention in your main post. Opportunity is here if someone wants it.


skrilledcheese OP t1_ivpwcl1 wrote

Thank you for your input. But I've lived in bad neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Philly, and Jersey. To me, a little danger is worth living somewhere I can walk to bars/shops/restaurants etc.

Plus, even though I have been a professional software engineer for 11 years, in my youth I used to get arrested a lot. Mostly as a juvenile, but I had one adult conviction too, a felony cocaine distribution kerfuffle I got wrapped up in at age 18.

So I might fit in just fine, even if it is a bit scary. Heck, 17 years ago, you might have considered me a scary guy.