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Little_Noodles t1_ivrud6h wrote

Why bother ACTUALLY doing the work of running for civil service (just to do more work when you win), when you can just be a garbage weirdo grifter?

The garbage weirdo grifter market is hot as fuck right now, and you’d think it’d stop beating the stock market or whatever, but you’d be wrong. There is no bottom and the well is deep and you barely have to do anything to be part of the circuit and collect your check.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtafc3 wrote

That's what many of them choose to do. Like that crazy woman who was talking to him as if she were god. She doesn't have to go through these motions of raising money for a campaign and all that kind of stuff...she just finds a guy like this and grifts off of him and his followers.

God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty on Hulu is worth the free trial subscription just to have a look. It's about the Falwell pool boy sex scandal. There's one part where the pool boy is bringing his family around these people and his mother catches on to what they do. She's at an event where she witnesses this same woman up on stage saying all this weird shit and then once everything is over, backstage that same woman is flirting with people and drinking and acting basically like a normal human. It's all a charade.


ChrisBegeman t1_ivrtrdq wrote

Saying someone is waiting for god sounds like they are dying. But I guess his political career was dying.


AFD_0 t1_ivsherd wrote

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. - 2 Peter 2


UncomfortablyNumb43 t1_ivt0g8w wrote

Exactly…that’s what I think of when I see these so called “Christians” who instead of leading by example, living a life of servitude and modesty, caring for the poor, being opposed to wealth and power and following in Christ’s footsteps…instead base their whole existence on hateful rhetoric, horrible levels of judgmental and bigoted behavior, literal worship of the wealthy and powerful, and disgust towards the poor.

It IS the very thing that the passage you posted speaks of. You will know them by their works.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ivt3gcj wrote

If Jesus were to appear today, he’d be labeled a socialist by these people and be completely rejected.


thenewtbaron t1_ivtorbu wrote

That is the thing I just don't get, there are tons of ways to get to a "good" place even using christian beliefs and Jesus's words/works.... and the same for republicans.

They push for a christian government but forget many of jesus' words/works.

When asked who is a good person, it isn't a person who goes to your church or a priest of your church... it is a person that helps you, that takes you from danger and pays for medical care. Sounds like an endorsement of a christian government taking care of the medical needs of the people to me.

When a woman is going to be killed because of religious law, jesus stepped in and said, "yo, everyone here has broken the religious law, stop it"... sounds like the government shouldn't be imposing religious law to me.

When asked who is going to heaven, he said, "yo... you think you love me and follow me, well why don't you feed me, dress me, take care of me, visit me in prison..." they were confused and said, "you ain't been hungry".. he points out "what you do those in pain and suffering, those that you feel are below you, you are doing to me, quit being assholes and take care of each other"... hmm, sounds like we should be gladly putting in for SNAP(food stamps), helping the poor, and making prison not a torture center.


Jef_Wheaton t1_ivszcdx wrote

This guy LITERALLY believed that god changed the weather patterns over Iraq and Kuwait to benefit the US forces during Operation Desert Storm.

There's an episode of the "Qanon Anonymous" Podcast that covers Mastriano's lunacy. It's frightening how delusional this guy is.

Q-Pilled Midterms


Muscadine76 t1_ivw9eda wrote

And 42% of our neighbors are disappointed he’s not governor. This is fine.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivrrxgl wrote

Some super creepy stuff in here.


infinite_array t1_ivu3qls wrote


And of course, none of them will stop and think, "Maybe the little voice shrieking in the back of my head isn't God, and I was wrong."

Nope. They'll just dig in deeper.


cbm984 t1_ivru45u wrote

Spoiler alert: in the play he doesn’t show up either.


ScottClam42 t1_ivt2rxn wrote

That article was dark af, wow. The videos on the other hand are hilarious. They remind me of that time Jim found Michael sitting alone in his hotel room with Girls Gone Wild blaring and strobe lights flashing as nobody showed up to his hotel party


MainPFT t1_ivtfi7j wrote

The Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up" playing when the party is dead... 💀


Sachagfd t1_ivt3m1g wrote

I wish right wingers were only allowed to play music from right wing artists. It would be a party with just Kid Rock and Ted Nugent music with Charles In Charge and Silver Spoons reruns on the big screen in the background. So fun!! 😹


mcs0301 t1_ivtc3yl wrote

Don't forget any movie starring Dollar Store Thor, Kevin Sorbo.


PM_SOME_OBESE_CATS t1_ivv090w wrote

The music sounds like an elementary school dance/social function in like 2004


piperonyl t1_ivt2rcn wrote

“I think he’s got God’s hand on him,” Robert Mastriano said, adding: “I don’t believe in polls.”

Believes in God which there is no evidence for whatsoever. Doesn't believe in math.

I think that pretty much sums up rural PA in a nutshell.


FyrestarOmega t1_ivt555o wrote

Just imagine what everyone in that room had convinced themselves what God, America, Pennsylvania, and Mastriano are. phew. I wonder for how many of them the delusion finally faded Tuesday night.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivt5iol wrote



FyrestarOmega t1_ivtedsq wrote

Maybe. But even in that article, the lady who calls herself "that Trump bitch" was dumped by her boyfriend in the face of Mastriano's clear loss. The Oz/Mastriano signs in my area came down overnight, as opposed to Trump/Pence signs that persisted for months. 2020 election deniers were repudiated across the board (pending Arizona results notwithstanding). I think (hope) the mass delusion that exploded around the 2020 election is starting to fade. It's not over or gone, but it's losing followers, not gaining them. If I don't have a ton of hope yet, at least I have relief.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtg9js wrote

I believe something like 175 election deniers actually won their races.


FyrestarOmega t1_ivtj1op wrote

Fair. I'm generalizing. I was thinking of the specific election deniers that were boosted by democrats in the primaries, being viewed as easier to defeat in the general in competitive races. In that (admittedly small sampling), all have lost (or in Kari Lake's case, may lose but definitely did not decisively win)

For election deniers in general (this tracks only attorney generals, governors, and senators, we see the following:

Out of 12 election deniers running for attorney general, 6 lost, 2 remain too close to call. None of these candidates were incumbents

Out of 22 election denying governor candidates, 7 won re-election, of which 6 were incumbents. 3 remain too close to call, including incumbent Mike Dunleavy in Alaska. None of the losers or the other two uncalled races are incumbents.

Out of 19 election denying senate candidates, 10 won re-election, of which 5 were incumbents. 3 races are too close to call, none of whom are incumbent. None of the losers are incumbents.

So in general, being the republican or incumbent in a traditionally republican race is a far more winning factor than their denial of the election. Election denial was not a winning strategy in this election.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtjv91 wrote

I don't disagree with you and I apologize for the brevity in my response. I was in the middle of something and typed out a quick response and went back to what I was doing and then thought, "Damn I probably should have held off on responding until I was available to give a full response" 😅


FyrestarOmega t1_ivtltu7 wrote

All good, it encouraged me to look further, learn more, and (I hope) bring valuable information to the conversation, and you just did it again (but please stop now, I gotta actually work lol)

I'm not loving what I learned about attorney general results, but let's look even more closely at new candidates

For governors, 1-3 out of 15 new candidates won (7-20%). For senators, out of 14 new senate candidates, 5-8 won (36-57%). Attorney generals is 4-6 out of 12 (33-50%). *my opinion* is that each of those win percentages will stay under 50%.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtru3t wrote

Haha sorry, my intention was not to assign you homework!


MainPFT t1_ivszq5c wrote

That article is fucking bonkers. Holy shit some ppl. Just wow.


WorstTimeCaller t1_ivt04ob wrote

Are they all hoping that Jesus is gonna come and give them a high-five?


lazydaisytoo t1_ivt1qwf wrote

Those are not spirit fingers ; THESE are spirit fingers! :jazzhands


DavidLieberMintz t1_ivt6dby wrote

Glad to see all the Russian bots and astroturfing bigots are gone from this sub. Praise Jesus for that.


pedantic_comments t1_ivtnyyu wrote

These people are going to need to be rounded up and forced into reeducation camps where they can’t watch their farcical “news” for years to undo this brain damage. I can’t fathom being such a piece of shit that you betray your own religious commandments to worship a washed-up confederate cosplayer.

At the very least, we should send them all to Texas or Mississippi, and let that state secede and descend into anarchy.


Muscadine76 t1_ivwacj5 wrote

I mean, the significant Democratic and racial minorities in those states might not be too excited about that plan.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivy7xxr wrote

There will be vacancies in other states once the crazies are turned loose in TX and/or MS 😅


Muscadine76 t1_ivy9uqa wrote

I know these kinds of comments are generally kind of joking/ exaggerations born out of frustration but really they’re anti-progressive and kind of a parallel to MAGA mentality at their roots since the people who would be left behind or have their lives upheaved in the most catastrophic ways would be the most vulnerable. For example, the two states you named are notable in that TX has the largest Black population in the country, and MS has by far the largest proportion of the population that’s black - almost 40%. Being willing to sacrifice other people or turn them into refugees for your own safety or comfort is not the moral high ground.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivya0c5 wrote

I'm being 100% facetious...calm yourself.


Muscadine76 t1_ivya7t1 wrote

As I noted in my last response I kind of assumed that was the case but there are people who genuinely would prefer these kinds of solutions so it’s important to have the conversation.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivyabmy wrote

I am well aware and I am not one of them so it's not important to have that conversation with me.


Muscadine76 t1_ivyaw0i wrote

I’m not sure why you’re being so defensive. It’s not all about you, it’s about anyone who might read this kind of comment and not really think about it beyond, hey, yeah, great idea, I agree with that.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivyb1q0 wrote

Because you're fucking lecturing me on something I already fucking know all because I made a fucking joke, that's fucking why.


Muscadine76 t1_ivyb5gr wrote

Ok, continue missing the point. Have a good day.


momlin t1_ivvh4ch wrote

God doesn't even want them.....


Agreeable_Hand_2684 t1_ivtt9xt wrote

Ask the mods. They removed my anti mastriaNO post for that reason. I guess they get to decide.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivu5pvi wrote

First off, my apologies for making an assumption that you were a mastriaNO supporter. Secondly, I have no idea how they make those decisions. I had a few of my posts taken down that were articles and completely uneditorialized by me but for some reason they were removed. And it wasn't because they were duplicates because I searched before I posted.


Agreeable_Hand_2684 t1_ivu6lr9 wrote

My advice, check out the new r/Pennsyltucky subreddit. They don't have prejudicial mods and they actually appreciate humor there


[deleted] t1_ivtrigg wrote



cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtrq1a wrote

What exactly is it inciting? Are people going to go attack the United States Capitol building based on what they read in this article?


Agreeable_Hand_2684 t1_ivu9els wrote

Hey mods, aren't you gonna do your job? Or just for certain people?
