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dream_bean_94 t1_ivu7gnh wrote

Define “cheap rent”? Ultimately, you get what you pay for. You can’t have it all!


scaryballoonman t1_ivu7s1k wrote

The La Anna area I've been looking in has 2bdr for around $750 This is just my ideal checklist, nothing will ever be perfect. Just included that note as I'm not exactly looking for a Frasier Crane penthouse suite


dream_bean_94 t1_ivv4bi5 wrote

I’ll be real with you, rural PA is a bit sketch. Lots of extreme far right politics (look up the republican governor candidate that just lost, barely), some drugs (not weed, stuff like meth and heroin), general economic decay (“rust belt”) and the issues that come along with it.

Ever heard of the term Pennsyltucky? It really be like that.

You’re not going to be in any kind of desirable area for less than $1,000/month.


scaryballoonman t1_ivv5myw wrote

Dang, this is a really good point, and exactly why I asked here. Thank you, that's very good to know and consider!


dream_bean_94 t1_ivva7b1 wrote

If you’re open to a roommate, bucks and montgomery counties might be more of what you’re looking for! Not cheap, tho.

If not, you might be able to find a cheaper studio or basement apartment in the $1,200 range but it’ll need to be through word of mouth so join some local FB pages and start asking!


scaryballoonman t1_ivu8n2f wrote

Here in Massachusetts, single rooms in a shared house are going for $8-900!

I'd say a comfortable rent would be a max of around $1200