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UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_iw5bo9w wrote

Yep - it's under a thousand votes. It looks like the largest county with votes outstanding leans blue, but only by a few percentage points. The Dems may very well win it but it's going to be a close one.


IamSauerKraut t1_iw5rxsm wrote

Nevada went blue. A win is a win, no matter how close.

We now have to support Warnock. Herschel the aborting Headcase already has 30+ million in the bank.


blinkdmb t1_iw5w919 wrote

Would help nullify Manchin too.


IamSauerKraut t1_iw73f25 wrote

Yeahhhh... there is the Manchin/Sinema issue, but given that Mark Kelly was re-elected, Sinema will either get on board or she will get gone next time around.


kiltedturtle t1_iw92bvu wrote

We can only hope she gets on board, but she seems to have a ticket to her own personal crazy train.


Sprinkles_Hopeful t1_iw8oyb8 wrote

I had the same thought as you and that's exactly correct we need that seat and I can say we will have no problem getting that seat we'll just send Barack Obama back in and it's a done deal LOL