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Hib3rnian t1_iycyccd wrote

How do you spend millions to modernize an inefficient system only to have it be vulnerable to fraud, inaccessible to users, more inefficient in processing requests and still require the hiring of hundreds?


zorionek0 t1_iyd6gmv wrote

The cruelty is the point.

It should be easy to get UC, but there’s this asinine prejudice against the people who use this system.

Rather than the old “better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent suffer,” our government seems to take the approach “better that 10 families starve than 1 person scam the system.”


Hib3rnian t1_iydazcs wrote

As tax payers, we're all potential users of the system at some point in time.

The fact it's been so "cluster fucked" should be an outrage especially at a time when so many need UC, and based on predictions on the economy, so many more will soon.

Drives me nuts that people are so caught up in how "this political party is doing this and that political party is doing that" when citizens can't get simple services today that worked fine less than 3 years ago. And cost the taxpayers millions for what is essentially less.

THATS where the outrage should be focused. THATS what needs to be fixed now.


thunderGunXprezz t1_iyduh5q wrote

I have an overpayment balance that I've been paying back over the course of the last year or so. Each month I get a letter telling me how I can pay online and each month I look and that part of the site is still offline. So I still have to mail them checks.


Thehardwayalltheway t1_iyf2tn7 wrote

The first question to ask is who got the millions. The next question is to whom they are connected.