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bitterbeerfaces t1_ixb5foo wrote

Ehh Federal prison is probably nicer than DCP.


WinterWontStopComing t1_ixcsurn wrote

I hear federal is better than state but have no idea if there is validity to that


IamSauerKraut t1_ixcxw1m wrote

For about 20 years, DC has not run its own prisons. Instead, convicts are sent to BOP facilities around the country. Last year, 400 pretrial inmates held in the federally run facility in DC were moved to the BOP facility north of Lewisbury because of unspecified deteriorating conditions in DC. None of those moved were Jan 6'ers.

There may be only one other female Jan6'er in the DC facility, also from PA. Just about every other female in that facility is non-white. For someone known to harbor white nationalist thoughts, Riley June is not going to have a merry xmas.

edit: found the article on prisoner moves In the sidebar of the article is a link to a Kyle Cheney penned article on the conviction of Riley June. Provides more detail than the pennlive article.


WinterWontStopComing t1_ixcyayf wrote

So she is likely to come out way more radicalized then when she went in? Super


IamSauerKraut t1_ixczk1j wrote

Given the contents of those Bellingcat articles and her continuing efforts to hobnob with ex-cons and other Jan 6'ers, doubtful. Not a reason to let her walk.


WinterWontStopComing t1_ixczsat wrote

Who said anything bout letting her walk? I’m just pointing out maybe she shouldn’t go to a prison that is going to feed her existent prejudices


IamSauerKraut t1_ixd0rhl wrote

Does any prison exist which will not possibly do so? And, to repeat the above, her mind feeds itself. And will get fed some more once she's out and around that kiddie porn father of hers.