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FyrestarOmega t1_iwf22ag wrote

Breathe. :) Keystone exams are end of course proficiency exams - they are meant to measure if you understood the point of the course. They don't require perfection. Like you said, you have plenty of time. If you don't achieve a proficient score your first go, you do get more chances: Students who do not pass the Keystone Exam score must receive remedial instruction and must retake the Keystone Exam until a passing final course grade is achieved. After two unsuccessful attempts, students will be eligible to demonstrate proficiency through the completion of a project-based assessment that will be scored by a team of regional teachers.

But the point of keystones are to show that you have passed the class. If your homework, quizzes, and tests are passing, you will likely do ok in the Keystone test if you study.

I would encourage you to speak with your teacher after class about your concerns - they can give you specific advice on where you can best focus your studying.

Good luck!


artificialavocado t1_iwf4tg5 wrote

Man sometimes I’m actually glad to be in my late 30’s if this, on top of everything else growing up, is what kids worry about today.


Shadyfrogs t1_iwfb2a0 wrote

I graduated in 2021, so I took my keystones fairly recently (around 2018 I think) seriously nothing to worry about. they’re almost exactly like the PSSAs, and just as overhyped. So don’t let it stress you out, the district just wants to make sure you understand the material :)


HugeAppearance13 t1_iwf5cf8 wrote

Hi. Hard is a relative term. If you're an average student you'll do fine. Keystones are NOT worth stressing over. Everyone is taking them for the first time so they will go over everything. My test taking tips are always reread the directions and review your answers. You got this!


2d_is_a_pimple t1_iwf5njp wrote

They're not so bad. Or at least, they weren't when I was in school. But mind you, I graduated in 2014 lol. You got time! Chances are, you'll be OK!


Ct-5736-Bladez t1_iwf95x2 wrote

You will do fine. Take your time DONT RUSH you don’t need to be the first one out and in fact use all the time given to you to double check your answers. In a way they are like they are like the PSSAs. Talk to your teachers and your parents about your concerns. Iirc the topics are Algebra 1 and biology with literature being your sophomore year.

Get a good nights rest and eat a good breakfast and relax. You got this!


Nicholas_ARR t1_iwgmj9y wrote

Man don’t even sweat it, it is no problem if you are a ok student, which I suspect you are because you are showing concern about the keystones in November. My advice, relax and keep doing you.



Twinbrosinc t1_iwf9dpo wrote

I took the lit one last year. They arent terrible. You'll be fine


Muscadine76 t1_iwg3vml wrote

One of the secrets of standardized tests like these is they are evaluations of school/teaching quality as much as they are of students. They are intended to ensure students are meeting a minimum proficiency in certain skills/knowledge. Schools want to ensure students do as well as possible in part because if they don’t it reflects poorly on them. As others have said, as long as you take the test seriously and take your time you should do fine, especially if you’re doing ok in your classes.


Tricky-Comparison-35 t1_iwgjkl7 wrote

I graduated in 2018 and I wasn’t the smartest or dumbest I just did what I needed but it was pretty easy especially English your reading passages and answering question about the passage so your answers will be there you just gotta find them I hated the biology one failed it my first time around and math was super easy and if you don’t pass they will put you in a extra class for the subject u failed the following year or just put you in a class with other kids that didn’t pass whichever keystone but you don’t have to pass them all to graduate almost positive on that


Sea-Biscotti t1_iwgjy56 wrote

When I was in school (a decade and a half ago) they used to hand out water bottles and little snacks to keep everyone calm for the Keystone exams. It sounds like a huge deal but it really isn't, just make sure you are taking a little time to relax beforehand if you can. Test anxiety is a bitch, but you can do it.


Illustrious_Job_7598 t1_iwgpt3x wrote

I haven’t taken the keystone exams because I took the PSSAs. Graduated 2010. From what I can remember…showing your work or writing in a way that shows your understanding is very important. So what I did was try to consider what the reviewer might be looking for in the response. It could be helpful to try and put yourself in the shoes of a teacher and see what they are looking for. And reading the instructions and looking for the words they use and mirroring it in your response can maybe help. Just my thoughts! Hope it helps 😌


Entire_Ad_306 t1_iwgscs2 wrote

I graduated in 2016 and don’t remember those. I know I took them but I guarantee I failed it. I never passed a test or quiz in my life and was pushed through school no remediations or whatever they are threatening you with it’s bullshit. So regardless you should be okay. I didn’t turn out okay(no shit) but you care so you’ll be fine dude.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_iwhacyq wrote

It is not a pass fail deal and you do not have to "pass" them to pass the grade per say. I don't know how your school works but a lot of schools will not fail any kid no matter what as far as moving on to a new grade.

The Keystone Exams is designed to measure aptitude in areas. You will simply be measured against your peers.


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iwhhdah wrote

They're not hard, considering that the average student in PA is expected to be able to pass.