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Mebiglover t1_iwnxihx wrote

In order for an offender to have their license restored (in PA), offender needs to have an interlock endorsement for the length of time that it is needed to have the interlock installed in a car, if it is ordered that you have an interlock installed.

Offender is not allowed to operate any vehicle, unless it has an interlock installed - regardless of whether the offender owns it or not.

Offender needs to still have the interlock endorsement shown on the license for the ordered amount of time. Doesn't matter if they have a car or not.

If at any time that the offender is caught driving a vehicle without either the endorsement or the interlock installed in the vehicle they are operating, it is mandatory jail time. has some info


HeyZuesHChrist t1_iwpuqug wrote

Yes and people just drive without licenses.

You can also just wait to have your license restored and wait out the clock on the interlock. I know people who have done exactly that. A matter of fact I drove a friend around to get it all done. They just get the whole process started and get all of the administration stuff taken care of and the clock starts. They wait out the six months or a year or however long it is and then they get their license and don’t have an interlock.