bdschuler t1_iwnfqa6 wrote
I am starting to have some hope that legalized recreational might be possible in PA in my lifetime. Would love to see it.
PinsAndBeetles t1_iwnivgv wrote
Eh, don’t underestimate the PA state senate, which is still GOP lead, ability to ruin everything.
Not_jan13 t1_iwno5em wrote
Calling all republicans. Tell the PA GOP you want legal weed. We can do this one thing together!!!!
Mijbr090490 OP t1_iwng56n wrote
That would be great. Along with a legislature that actually gets shit done instead of fighting constant culture wars.
On a side note, our medical program is basically recreational with a paywall.
orangesfwr t1_iwnllph wrote
For real. Anyone can get it with even the most basic reason like anxiety or depression...
...and that's a good thing! But might as well just eliminate the farcical checkpoint
ho_merjpimpson t1_iwpb66q wrote
Anyone... Unless you have a gun carry permit. Or, or or or.
There are a lot of people that can't just get it as easily as many think.
EveryLivingLine t1_iwo8dyr wrote
"On a side note, our medical program is basically recreational with a paywall."
Maybe so but people can still be denied jobs for testing positive. Also, I work for county government. If I would get tested I guess I'd be fired. As far as I know though I only get tested if in an accident while driving a county vehicle, so pretty unlikely. This wouldn't go away though if PA legalized it... it would need to be legal on a federal level.
EveryLivingLine t1_iwo87pm wrote
Unless you're in your 80s I think it's a lock it will happen soon-ish.
I do wonder if it will happen federally in my lifetime (I'm 38). I'm leaning towards yes.
electric_ranger t1_iwpuk9f wrote
Will be very interesting to see what happens once more states have legalized it than not. Currently 21 have legal recreation marijuana and 10 more have legal medical marijuana.
[deleted] t1_iwo9e1u wrote
PPQue6 t1_iwnj0me wrote
The committee leadership is the biggest cock block atm. They can't even get the bills scheduled for a hearing. Until that leadership changes we won't see recreational cannabis.
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