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BonusUpbeat t1_iwnv3kf wrote

The only problem is that even if you get the minority and some Republicans to vote yes in the Senate. The Republicans in the Senate still decide which bills to bring up for a vote. So you can have 25+ senators to vote yes but it doesn't mean it will be brought before the chamber for a vote.


TheTwoOneFive t1_iwo45fc wrote

This will help get it through though - it's one thing for a governor to say "I'd sign a legalization bill", it's another for them to say "The house has passed a bill, I want to sign it, but the one thing stopping it is the Senate Republicans refusing to bring it to a vote."

Hopefully there is enough pressure to get it brought up in the Senate.


JKsoloman5000 t1_iwpfwwx wrote

Bold of you to assume that the Senate gives a fuck about the desires of their constituents.


Top_File_8547 t1_iwqike2 wrote

Yes the GQP are just nihilists who want to block everything except tax breaks for the rich.


BonusUpbeat t1_iwo9dxt wrote

Or the Senate can bury it in some other piece of legislation.