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RockyTheFlyingSaucer t1_iwsycpq wrote this article says Shapiro spent 400k to help lift mastriano in the primary

Long term this is a terrible idea. Resources should be used to support your message not radicalize the base of the opposition, Hilary tried a similar strategy with trump


burritoace t1_iwu7jy4 wrote

This article is wildly misleading. They were attack ads, not promotional and not directed at GOP voters. This whole stupid story is manufactured.


BugMan717 t1_iwugqw6 wrote

The absurdity of politics now means that attack ads and promotional ads are the same ad just for different sides. I know the attack ads for Fetterman we're highlighting things I want haha.


burritoace t1_iwuiwqe wrote

Even still, the intended audiences are pretty different so I don't think it's hard to tell what each side is going for


DoctorSteve t1_iwv03v9 wrote

I said this all the time. Any attack ad against a Republican looks like a Republican ad. "This candidate will ban abortion". How does that sound?


tyrael459 t1_iwu74qk wrote

I agree. “It’s easier to light a candle than curse the darkness.”