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ScienceWasLove t1_iwu24im wrote

Dems had all three branches. For two years. No national movement on marijuana.

Maybe the red counties in PA will finally see some progress like our blue cites. My town needs an open air drug market, car jackings, more crime, and herds of roaming quads/dirt bikes in the streets.


PatientNice t1_iwu5xp5 wrote

I don’t live in Philly and if you think there’s no crime in between Pittsburgh and Philly, you live in a wonderful bubble.


brohammer5 t1_iwu8386 wrote

It takes 60 Senate votes to pass federal legislation. Dems couldn't actually do anything substantial on federal legalization because they only had 50 D senators.


PopeMaIone t1_iwvhe87 wrote

The reason the Dems had unified power is because the Republicans did nothing when they had unified government under Trump except try to kick the sick off their healthcare and give tax cuts to the rich. Maybe the blue counties will finally see the same progress as the red counties. Rotted teeth so you don't have to worry about dental/healthcare, rampant poverty to land you on the government dole and run down 4th hand trailers so you can live off your small welfare check without having to find supplemental income from work. Lastly, if only the blue counties had the crime rate of red counties they could simply be put out of their misery altogether. Progress.