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genicide182 t1_iwust6f wrote

You know. I get what you are trying to say, but it is super weak minded and actually pathetic. There are many CEOs, officials, and even just normal ass people who have had strokes and go on to lead a normal and productive life. Your "they shouldn’t be making decisions for anyone" comment translates to "they are worthless in our society now".

I am assuming that you are not from PA with the way you are saying "you guys are proud" which makes me question why you are even in this sub. But furthermore, I am a big fan of NY and Cali policy, so if Betterman is going to be a "pawn" (read: voting along side those policies) for those states and reps, GOOD!


thatsnotfunnyatall_ t1_iww4bo8 wrote

Guess you haven’t been to LA or SF ? Cities are melting under shit policies.


genicide182 t1_iww4vg9 wrote

I've been to LA, yes. SF, no. New York, too many times. I'd love to know what issues they are having that aren't present across this country, including Philadelphia.