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BrightProfessional8 t1_iwwndz3 wrote

Lol almost all of the signers are outside of PA. Has anyone seen the latest homicide and crime statistics in Philly.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwwo9on wrote

Were any of those voting to impeach from Philly?



Dunn_or_what t1_iwwv2st wrote

You don't understand the implications of this letter. Come after one DA for no clear reason other than politics is like going after a cop for no clear reason. It's going to cause you a world of shit.


BurghPuppies t1_iwxc4rp wrote

I’m not sure Philly crime stats are the best measure of how a DA is doing, since crimes are committed before a DA gets involved. Unless you’re saying he’s letting people off, in which case the stats you need are recidivism.