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VilleIn97 t1_iwx7u5j wrote

The entire state should do this right meow.


ItsjustJim621 t1_iwxbruw wrote

You cat to be kitten me


aj1337h t1_iwyt1bd wrote

You could always mitten your kitten or be smitten


BadDesignMakesMeSad t1_iwzogh9 wrote

I know this is a joke but there actually is a way to kind of mitten your kitten. You can get nail caps which allows cats to keep their claws but also keep them from really messing up your furniture. It would be better to find behavioral ways to keep your cat from scratching your furniture but it’s a good last resort kind of a thing and a lot more ethical than declawing.


TankVet t1_iwxwq1o wrote

As a veterinarian, I don’t think it’s necessary to legislate against it. I don’t know any veterinarians who do it any more. Hell, I haven’t even had five people ask about it in the last five years? And none of them pushed back after being educated about the procedure.

Public resources could be better spent elsewhere. Do something about puppy mills, for example.


Sennva t1_iwy0xuj wrote

Maybe you live in a more enlightened area. The demand is definitely still out there.

I know a family who've had it done to every cat they've ever owned. They seem to consider it a necessary evil and not a big deal since their cats got over it and "seem fine".

Clearly there are still vets in the state who perform the surgery. There will always be someone unscrupulous out there which is why laws like this are necessary.


asrialdine t1_iwz8u9y wrote

When we stop debating how little we’re legally allowed to pay people, then I’ll give a little more credence to arguments like this one.

I’m sure you’re a great vet and the vets that you know are also great…it’s the ones who I don’t know and can’t vouch for that I want this law for.


TankVet t1_iwzblaq wrote

You make a good point.

As a person in the industry, I see declawing of cats to be a bad thing that happens infrequently while I see the results of puppy mills as a bad thing that happens all the time.

Just my perspective.


ilexberry t1_iwzjqdf wrote

Last year I took my kitten to an animal hospital that was highly reviewed and recommended for her healthy kitten check and to get her scheduled for the spay. During the review for the spay, they asked me if I wanted her declawed. I was stunned—I had never had a vet offer to declaw a cat before (and this vet was on the younger side, too!) I declined, and ended up taking my kitten elsewhere for her spay because I realized I couldn't trust that vet with her. :/


heili t1_ix3zmaz wrote

There are a lot of vets who will cut parts off of animals purely for the owner's cosmetic taste or desire for convenience.

I wish they were all like you, but sadly no.


Revolutionary-Swim28 t1_iwxhmmc wrote

Let’s write to our lawmakers, and if nothing changes, then, keep trying. I think it is phasing out anyway because I think my humane society in red neck central(NW PA) they don’t even declaw, I think they trim The nails and that’s it