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cpr4life8 t1_iwxf6kk wrote

I feel like some places that will only allow cats if front declawed will no longer allow them at all. Meaning fewer cats rescued.

Both of my cats are rescues and I had to have them front declawed in order to take them in. I didn't want to but I figured better declawed and alive than put down at a shelter. They're both 15 now and still going strong!


gslavik t1_iwxhstr wrote

Who's condition was it that they had to be declawed?


cpr4life8 t1_iwxi0hk wrote

The owner of the apartment building.

Whoever downvoted apparently doesn't like 2 cats who have lived long lives (and continue to) because I rescued them. Fuck off.


frugal_masturbater t1_iwxw7xd wrote

Huh. You made me think differently about the issue of declawing, thanks!

I really need to change my stance to "you should not unless you have to", I was much less flexible on that before.


witqueen t1_iwxzi8l wrote

Declawing a cat is akin to cutting off your nails at the first knuckle of your finger. I have 5 cats, and have scratching posts for them, so they don't wreck my furniture. All rescues only one was declawed by the prior owner when we adopted from the SPCA.


frugal_masturbater t1_iwy16o3 wrote

Yes. I too have a cat, and always had rescues. I have my own house so I can afford making the choice to not declaw.

Some people give loving homes but their landlord absolutely demands front de-clawing. I mean, the poster above me describes the situation.

Now, you can take an absolute stance and say de-clawing must never be done. OK, roll with that, said poster I just referred to, who seems to be giving two cats an awesome life, he then should have no cats because well, he doesn't own his home and the rules don't comply with your demands.

So the cats may never be adopted and live in the shelter until they die or are destroyed. Well done.

My advice, get off the hard-and-fast rules. Life's never like that.

And don't.. do NOT tell me cats don't get destroyed because they're not adopted quickly enough. This is very easy to find online.


cpr4life8 t1_iwxx02m wrote

That's my position. Only if you have to. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have to. I've had cats (in my family as a kid or on my own) pretty much all my life & these are the only 2 that have been declawed. Front only. I really didn't want to but I couldn't have adopted them otherwise. One of them is literally snoozing on my lap as I type this.


frugal_masturbater t1_iwxy6de wrote

You're a good cat owner if they snooze on your lap. They know where the good snoozes are to be had. Cheers!


cpr4life8 t1_iwy0l6s wrote

Thank you, I appreciate that. I pamper the shit out of these two. I read that pet fountains encourage them to drink more water so they've had one since day 1. Neither has ever had a kidney or UT issue. I have blink cameras in my home so I can check on them while I'm away. I got a WiFi pet treater so I can give them treats while I'm away. It has a camera and microphone built in to it. I login to it, press the mic, and ask "who wants treats?" When they both come running I press the button and shoot some treats out to them 😆 it also has a speaker button I can press so I can hear what's happening. My one guy, after the treats have been consumed, comes over to the pet treater and swipes the little slot with his paw similar to a kid checking the change slot on a vending machine to see if there's any change inside 😂

I installed a pet door in my upstairs basement door so their litter boxes can be downstairs. There's a camera pointed at that door. When I come home I'll turn it on and then hit the garage door opener button. They know the sound of the garage door opener means I'm home, so they'll come running from wherever they are in the house and fly through that pet door so they can greet me downstairs when I come inside. I never get tired of seeing that 😊


frugal_masturbater t1_iwy0vbo wrote

You put in a lot of effort, and your cats appreciate you. What else can you want for as a cat, or owner? Good on you!


heili t1_ix3zz24 wrote

It made me think the landlord is an asshole who is cruel to animals, not that cutting part of a cat's toes off is fine.