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artful_todger_502 t1_ix3n0bt wrote

The lack of awareness from supposed adults is shocking. I'm going to guess this guy thinks "antifer" was behind the capitol annexation or they are "patriots"?


BeltfedOne OP t1_ix5r9ch wrote

In MAGA land, Sedtion is spelled "patriotism ". So is oathbreaking.


LLWATZoo t1_ix3ze1k wrote

I'm not sure - I don't get close enough to that group to know for sure, but based upon his public comments, it's some Q-based bullshit


artful_todger_502 t1_ix41dpi wrote

I'm shocked that this has become normalized. This is how low the bar is. Batshit crazy, insane, Weekly World News-type conspiracies are the expectation now. No big deal ...