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arepok t1_iyhkzhr wrote

No jail time no justice. The fines and settlements are just the cost of business anymore.


cpr4life8 t1_iyhm7bo wrote

Until people at the top of the food chain start doing some serious jail time this type of thing will continue in perpetuity.


MegaGrubby t1_iyhy1uw wrote

All white collar crimes have little jail time. You could rob people of billions and you might do a couple years. It's mind boggling. Tells you whose votes really matter.


axeville t1_iyij3ot wrote

Angelo Mozilla created a lot of jobs ya know! /s

Enjoying ⛳️


cpr4life8 t1_iyi122z wrote

They still only get one vote individually, but their money buys many more.


IrresponsibleScience t1_iyi3aoj wrote

And the fines aren’t even enough to hurt. The cost of a fine should start with the cost to clean up, add worst case medical costs, and then comes the real fines.


Fuzzy_South_4260 t1_iyi7omn wrote

Can we get a list of the executives and call them out personally?


goplantagarden t1_iyitvhf wrote

No reason not to do it again at the next town. What are local politicians doing about this bullshit besides taking bribes?


-Mr_Rogers_II t1_iyjmvbk wrote

Yea the amount is laughable. They literally do not care about this fine. Fines should be a percentage of their net worth. Not some arbitrary amount they they have no issue paying.


godofleet t1_iyiwofl wrote

and we bailout/subsidize these corporations/industries in the form of inflationary monetary policy. we print more, each dollar is worth less, everyone suffers debasement except for a handful nearest/friendliest with the monetary system/banks/institutions/etc... all so a few executives can buy vacation houses/yachts, pay their lawyers...oh, and pay their fines/settlements...

inflationary fiat money is the addictive drug that fuels the wealth gap, making the rich richer and poor poorer... 2% inflation = -50% net worth in 35 years.... inflationary monetary policies are, in essence, monetary slavery... hours/days/years of our hard work and time eroded into nothing... yet time and time again we're told this is ONLY way an economy can function.

if you understand/sympathize with any of this i highly recommend looking into bitcoin, not "Crypto" not "FTX" ... just OG Bitcoin. It's a peaceful revolution and grass roots for the people by the people decentralized consensus- based on math, energy and game theory... it's humanities first "rules without rulers" system of money... inclusive and unbiased... whether your know it or not bitcoin is there for you- it's not going away... just as free speech allows us to express ideas, bitcoin allows us to freely express our value with one another. it has and will change humanity for the better. meat-based monetary policy is clearly entropic and corruptible(ed) and with this technological discovery we now have something better.


wagsman t1_iyhn4io wrote

>the Houston-based company agreed to pay $16.3 million to build new public water infrastructure and to cover the costs of delivering clean water to those who have been harmed for the next 75 years.

whatever that total amount is, its still a drop in the bucket compared to what they have profited off of these cmmunities. They will continue to take that bet, and more places will have their drinking water ruined by some profiteers from Texas or some other far off place that will never feel the negative consequences of their greed.


Particular_Swan_8810 t1_iyiupqs wrote

and the community will keep paying and paying in blood and dollars. And it will keep happening over and over again.


UnfairAd7220 t1_iyhz1lg wrote

You don't know that.


ThicccScrotum t1_iyjbv13 wrote

Here’s an interesting quote for you:

“According to a new report from the group PennEnvironment, only 17 percent of environmental or health violations by fracking companies in Pennsylvania resulted in fines. And when companies did get fined, the penalties were relatively small. In fact, the report found the median fine was just $5,263.”


Google is such an incredible tool.


Mor_Tearach t1_iyhrcxx wrote

What I love is the idiotic argument employed when making concessions keeping these companies in our state. You've heard them " Well if we tax them ( or whatever) they'll take their jobs elsewhere ". Sure?

Gas is HERE. What are they gonna do, tunnel in from New York?


zorionek0 t1_iyhru9r wrote

Spoilers: they can’t drill in NY! So this is what the noted economist Stringer Bell calls a captive market.


Mor_Tearach t1_iyizc8e wrote

THANK you! So call the energy companies bluff, holy hell! Gas. Is. Here. No way in the furthest corner of hell will those greedy corps just leave. They'll bitch up a storm- then pay their dam taxes.


CoraopoRocks t1_iyk19wc wrote

Oh snap; I thought Stringer Bell was only doing business in Baltimore with that down town Clay Davis 🙂


ktappe t1_iyjhoj5 wrote

“I drink your milkshake!“


windwaker910 t1_iyhnsee wrote

We’ll run out of clean water long before fossil fuels.


Or0b0ur0s t1_iyhv8bd wrote

More specifically, affordable access to clean water is going to become a problem, locally, in a lot of places. Affordable access to petroleum fuel is already an issue, globablly...


windwaker910 t1_iyhy8ak wrote

True, and access to clean water is already an issue in underserved communities as well. Eventually if you’re not at the top you’ll be shit out of luck


8Draw t1_iyhp21c wrote

PA needs a severance tax on gas and some actual environmental regulation of fracking.


B0MBOY t1_iyhwmy9 wrote

We already have an extraction tax and give a huge chunk to municipalities. Problem is theres a shit ton of restrictions and basically all we were able to figure out was use it all on roads.


8Draw t1_iyhxl8z wrote

No, we have some weak per-well taxes and the amount of money that PA has handed over to energy companies compared to other states is easily in the billions because of it.


B0MBOY t1_iyiqva8 wrote

Boohoo companies are profiting. My town gets a quarter million bucks every year. That’s pretty good


8Draw t1_iyjdm11 wrote

At that rate they'll only have to keep giving you their pocket change for another 70 years to cover the bill when it comes time to replace your entire water system.


B0MBOY t1_iyjix2t wrote

Replacing the water system would be damages… taxes aren’t for damages. Courts are. There is a proper way to handle things


CQU617 OP t1_iyjknkj wrote

Must be a local politician

Grease those wheels. Who give a F about next generation because they will all leave anyway.

Ghost town PA like Centralia.


MRG_1977 t1_iykyzhp wrote

It doesn’t even remotely cover the accelerated wear and tear on locally-maintained roads from the extra truck traffic.


Jotakave t1_iylt4e3 wrote

250K a year to poison your town? What a bargain.


B0MBOY t1_iym2e8x wrote

Damaging the water supply is an exception not the norm


Jotakave t1_iym4vlu wrote

I’m not sure you know how fracking works. I recently read a book about this very issue (Amity and Prosperity) and the reality is that they inject chemicals to break the shell. Those chemicals end up seeping into the ground. The other factor is that the reservoirs that hold residual chemicals and waste water are often poorly maintained and they leak that stuff into underwater wells and reservoirs.


Mor_Tearach t1_iyhs82h wrote

What I wanna know is how we got to the point of being held hostage for our WATER by corporations. Don't answer that- we know it's $$$$.

It's water. Without water there are no towns and cities, there is no society, water is probably THE most fundamental foundation to any society and I'm sticking to that.

Our taxes pay for roads (nothing to brag about here in PA anyway ),pay for most infrastructure. Water is infrastructure. Please no one go up the wall on ' more taxes '. Achieve it by taxing the rich, somehow immune to shouldering the same share we do.


Dredly t1_iyhwzvx wrote

40 years of Republican leadership...


Ok-Twist921 t1_iym368f wrote

Oh don’t worry, Democrats have caught up with their Republican counterparts over the last 40 years, too. The ratchet effect in this country is a vile thing. They are all corporate stooges


BigbuckValley t1_iyjudp1 wrote

Is the other line you use “you’re racist”?


Dredly t1_iyk45b8 wrote

I mean, if the shoe fits? but I'm not sure how that is specifically relevant


Jotakave t1_iylswvu wrote

Maybe if you love fracking so much you should move to one of these towns and drink their water. See how much you like it then


mister_pringle t1_iyjgpkg wrote

> 40 years of Republican leadership...

How do you figure?


CQU617 OP t1_iyjk5vz wrote

Mostly R, but aren’t residents making some bank off fracking on their land too?


mister_pringle t1_iyjuwra wrote

No idea what that has to do with anything. I can't figure out what "40 years of Republican leadership" means in this context?


Dredly t1_iyk3a2y wrote

Which part? Pa congress control has been republican for 40 years+


mister_pringle t1_iykuuma wrote

Democrats controlled the House last in 2010 and the Senate in 1993.


Dredly t1_iyl3eo6 wrote

Senate was tied in 93, because some dude "switched parties"


mister_pringle t1_iymkdk6 wrote

And Democrats held the House and Governorship. Seems like a pretty strong position for Democrats.


Dredly t1_iyn3pmc wrote

your realize how silly that argument is right? the ONLY reason the Senate was Democrat is because a R wanted to make a statement and switched his party affiliation resulting in tie... he wasn't a democrat and didn't vote like one.


The last time Democrats held an actual majority was 1979, and they only held it during the 70's,


Democrats have only actually controlled the senate for 10 years in the states history


mister_pringle t1_iyna9p5 wrote

> your realize how silly that argument is right?

Not as silly as claiming the Republicans have controlled the PA government for 40 years.
I really don’t give that much of a shit.


melranaway t1_iyi6erm wrote

Does it truly go to the roads or to the pensions of some state employees who had their pensions mismanaged? I can’t believe any of it goes to the roads. If you live on the north east side have you rode on rt 29? Espc In Susquehanna county?


Mor_Tearach t1_iyj0ldy wrote

Oh, it's pretty clear roads are the last thing on the infrastructure budget. So 29 is a nightmare too? I know they've been ' fixing ' 78 through Berks for around 112 years now with no discernable end in sight, you have to watch where construction ends if you value your undercarriage.

Our nightmares here in Dauphin are 83 and 81, 83's probably worse since it runs at what always seems to be an unchecked 75 mph with like a foot clearance on either side. Don't get me started on bridges.


cpr4life8 t1_iyitl9d wrote

It's foundational to life itself. No water = no life.


Mor_Tearach t1_iyiypci wrote

RIGHT? Once was downvoted into a black hole for pointing out there should be no such thing as a water bill. I guess by people who HAD a water bill but still found NOT having one an unreasonable concept. We have a well- it's possible to feel outrage over the fact water- like you said foundational to life to be a ludicrous outrage when it's monetized when no, I'm not personally affected.

We are however all in this Capitalist shambles together.


cpr4life8 t1_iyj02u4 wrote

I work in the water and wastewater industry so I understand why municipalities have to bill residents for the service, as it's very costly to treat and distribute water, maintain the infrastructure necessary for the process, pay people who operate the water and wastewater treatment plants, buy the chemicals & equipment involved, etc. Many people think their property taxes pay for this, but that's not true. Maybe in a rare exception, but overall the utility bill you pay is what goes towards maintaining the service.

One of the big issues I used to hear all the time when I was a mfg rep for treatment equipment - the utilities make money that could be put back into the facilities to maintain and upgrade the service, but that money is frequently diverted to other things. I distinctly remember one wastewater superintendent in KY who was livid that his town had redirected a bunch of money from the sewer treatment plant to a fund to build a new park...because there was an upcoming election and parks are seen, whereas no one ever thinks about what happens after they flush the toilet. That is until they flush the toilet and things go wrong.

I have no issues with the normal operation of the way water and sewer is provided and billed for and so on...but I have major issues with people that do things to contaminate our groundwater and then basically walk away with a slap on the wrist. I will never understand how people put money before something that actually sustains life. I mean regardless of where we are in the world we're all drinking water and invariably there is some entity jeopardizing that water, by doing things like fracking, in the name of profit.

*Edit - typo


mrboozer t1_iyl5qhu wrote

At least look at it from their point of view...

"Fuck your water. I'm rich now and don't live here anyways, so I don't give a shit."


cpr4life8 t1_iymewe3 wrote

Unfortunately there is no escaping it though because people are doing things to destroy our water everywhere across the country. I know the super wealthy people think it's not going to impact them, but it will. Water isn't segregated underground.


JAK3CAL t1_iyk2rtv wrote

I studied hydrogeology. My professor would warn us that an imminent world war was highly likely; and it’s be over water.

Waters one of things… Don’t consider it until you don’t have it. Then it’s hell on earth


Mor_Tearach t1_iyk4rfo wrote

Wow? Grandfather was a civil engineer. Born around 1906. Water was always one of his concerns. He grew up in Colorado and Wyoming, worked ranches out there as a kid and through college.

I was too young to understand exactly why he was so alarmed but insisted as long as I knew him the next war would be over water. Hearing your prof say pretty much the same thing is chilling.


JAK3CAL t1_iykaeg5 wrote

We have seen early examples brewing, for example the Ethiopian dam.

We are very fortunate to live near the Great Lakes, the largest natural freshwater system. Wild that PA continues to pollute its own water at a breakneck pace.

As a side note - my property is serviced by a spring. Probably one of the last in the country where the only water supply is a spring and cistern system, fully gravity fed. We had a drought and water ran out for a week.

Holy shit was it awful. Toilet can’t flush. No showers. No cooking no washing hands no filling a glass, no wetting a paper towel to clean something… literally everything involves water. It was one of the most miserable weeks of my life


hahnyolo t1_iykyr1g wrote

Philadelphia and New York City have their water sources on lockdown. Upper Delaware River and Adirondack Park/Hudson River? Done deal that is protected. Not that it’s political but both are D cities.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iyhlyh8 wrote

Between water pollution and explosions, lets abandon gas and switch to solar, wind, and hydro.

Even the power generating gadgets in water lines would be better.


zorionek0 t1_iyhrrb8 wrote

You forgot the most important power source for the all-electric future: nuclear reactors.

The French want to build 6 new reactors by 2028. We should be doing likewise.

I was pleased to see the federal government appropriated 1 billion for Diablo Canyon nuke plant in Cali. Would love to see us build some more next gen nuke plants in Pa


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iyhvans wrote

Yeah 100% agree. Going to be a hard sell in PA though with the whole Three Mile Island scare. I imagine that is the only real reason why PA doesn’t make use of nuclear power as much anymore but I’m just theorizing. Probably a combination of that and fracking.


Dredly t1_iyi13vr wrote

Its a US problem, not 3 mile specifically. the US has built 1 new Nuclear plant in this century. We've literally only built 2 in the last 40 years...


"but what about 3 mile island, Fukushima, and Chernobyl!" ... that is a near miss, a failure of insane stupidity caused by poor training, and a tidal wave 46 FEET high caused by a magnitude 9 earthquake (the 4th strongest quake EVER). Nuclear power is incredibly safe, and historically always has been... fossil fuels are the absolute opposite. their pollution kills millions a year, their environmental destruction is massive, and they are unsafe


Who remembers the Kingston Power Plant disaster? nobody? it was only 14 years ago! -


What about the Connecticut Power Plant explosion that killed 5 people?... no? it was 8 years ago! -


What about the ConEdison Powerplant explosion in NY? Luckily nobody died... but that was just due to a Cat 1 Hurricane


and those are only ones specifically AT power plants in the last 15 years, in the US... lol


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iyi1b7x wrote

I think you’re right. It’s just convincing everyone else that nuclear power is safer and more efficient.


Redlar t1_iyiyx3i wrote

>"but what about 3 mile island, Fukushima, and Chernobyl!"

For my nearly five decades on this planet, minus eight years living in NY state, I've lived within the 10 mile zone of two different PA nuclear power plants. I've grown up knowing what the siren testing meant and what to do in the exceedingly unlikely event of an incident occurring.

I've also grown up with great concern for the environment but I'm all for nuclear power (if the spend fuel is properly contained).


AbsentEmpire t1_iyijl6u wrote

Its a US problem not a PA problem.

Many environmental groups have for decades, and many still are today, demonizing nuclear power based on straight up lies and misrepresenting facts to promote a snake oil fantasy where the national grid is entirely powered by wind and solar, which is as bullshit as the hyperloop.

Until we have a national movement to get away from fossil fuels and over shift to modern nuclear plants for grid power, we're going to be stuck with coal, oil, and gas, and all problems that comes with those things.


zorionek0 t1_iyhwk6n wrote

In my county we have Invenergy which is a 1500 megawatt natural gas power plant that opened in 2019.

It is almost 1.5 times as productive as Limerick and nearly 2x as productive as TMI or Beaver Valley.

It’s high efficiency, which is good, but it’s still not as clean as nuclear. The problem is that natural gas is so energy rich.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iymg0ye wrote

But solar, wind, and hydro don’t produce the toxic waste that nuclear does.


Fermundacheese1977 t1_iyhslpg wrote


Jail them fuckers

They’re just gonna pass this fine off to their customers and we will pay for it


zorionek0 t1_iyht6yq wrote

If it makes you feel any better, there’s enough middle men between you and Coterra that the price will be jacked up regardless.


Dredly t1_iyhyyxs wrote

the price will go up forever to pay for this... because why not just make them pay more for any excuse possible?


zorionek0 t1_iyhz3yk wrote

Ding ding ding. Spreadsheet capitalism strikes again. Gotta have every increasing returns for shareholders. Why look any further than the end of the quarter.


CQU617 OP t1_iyjkbz4 wrote

Kinds of gives a new meaning to trickle down economics


rednib t1_iyhwsso wrote

Pennsylvania's land has always been a free for all for industry, the entire state government is in the take and always has been. Before fracking it was mining and steel. Who needs clean water? I'm sure they must pump in special magic water to Harrisburg and the politicians houses so they don't have to drink and bath in cancer like the rest of us.


Knightwing1047 t1_iyi59qj wrote

A wise man once said: “If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.”


freshoilandstone t1_iyi0esr wrote

Chesapeake killed our first well with those drop-down-a-hole exploratory charges. Caused a disruption (small earthquake) that collapsed the well, next day we were pumping mud. Of course they did nothing to rectify it so $18,000 later we had a new well drilled.

Anybody who doesn't live with natural gas drilling and blindly supports it can go fuck themselves. They exploited the "uninformed" land owners who naively thought they were all getting rich - you know, like all rural Oklahomans are 🙄 - and ambushed the state before any environmental protections were in place and while the politicians were in full feeding frenzy mode. People around us signed gas leases at $5/acre, even less, and the companies rolled in with big-ass access roads to big-ass pads with big-ass towers and just obliterated the landscape. And now somewhere along the line some gas company ideas man came up with natural gas-fired generators to power the pads; these things are the size and noise equivalent of a diesel locomotive and the folks with pads on their properties have that locomotive right out back all day every day. But hey - they made a little money!

The only positive for us personally, and we're a rarity out here, is that we held out to the bitter end before signing a lease and we knew what we were doing (because we took our time and did some homework and because we learned from our neighbor's mistakes) so we got a high up-front payment for a subsurface-only lease with the best possible royalty agreement. Chesapeake has paid for our house, our land, and they're about to pay for our daughter's college education. But again, we're a rarity. Not saying we were smart, just patient.


melranaway t1_iyi5p9b wrote

The gas industry (or some company connected to the natural gas industry) built a silica sand holding station right outside my town… you should see it blow about in the wind… county commissioners said the feds stepped in and allowed it.


freshoilandstone t1_iyix8ng wrote

I might be mistaken but I think that's the new fracking method - sand rather than the old benzene-containing liquid.


persechino218 t1_iyj0yyg wrote

Currently fucking myself


freshoilandstone t1_iyk3kdb wrote


0 points


28 days ago

Red wave coming. Get the tissues ready next week.


Good call


persechino218 t1_iyk5k6t wrote

Yeah, horrible call thinking people want to better themselves


persechino218 t1_iyk5n3j wrote

Still fucking myself


freshoilandstone t1_iymauc3 wrote

Still not reaping any rewards though are you? While you continue your activity we'll continue averaging $5000/month in royalties. And under the gas is oil, so when/if the gas is finally exhausted the wells will be drilled deeper and the oil extracted. Our daughter is 16 - she'll be receiving royalty checks for the rest of her life.


persechino218 t1_iynooy7 wrote

Nah man I lived in the cess pool known as Philadelphia and could not let conglomerates drill on a row home I rented. I’m glad you’re reaping the rewards tho, and I’ll continue my activity living a happy life supporting people who work hard for a living


freshoilandstone t1_iyods1s wrote

Good for both of us I suppose.

Blind loyalty to the gas companies is fine from the perspective that the drilling/extraction results in job creation but those jobs come from the exploitation of the farmers around here who don't have two nickels to rub together.

Gas companies have been offering leases since the 60's even though no work started until about 10 years ago. So some of these folks with 500 acres or so leased for 50 cents per acre. The leases are self-renewing every five years; all the company has to do is pay the landowner a nominal fee, usually $50. The leases are short but complicated and pretty much every bastard attorney around here was "urged" to get as many signatures as possible as quickly as possible. As a result negotiating for a better deal for the landowner wasn't really a high priority.


There's three big parts of the lease, although it all runs together as one document:

How much per acre up front to sign

Royalty percentage

How will the royalties be paid


A lot of people realized they could negotiate the first part but didn't pay enough attention to the other two. So if you got $1000/acre at 12% paid before company expenses you may have thought the deal was pretty good but you would have been taking a royal screwing. "Before expenses" means the gas workers get paid and the equipment bought, etc., out of your royalty cut. It makes a huge difference. As an example, we make our $5000/month off ten acres (we don't make that every month - sometimes it's more sometimes less, but that's an estimated average over the past 7 or 8 years). The lady across the way has 54 acres - she never has gotten more than $500 in a month. I'm not lamenting for myself obviously. What they've paid us paid for our land and our house and they'll be financing our daughter's education and ultimately supplementing our retirement and providing our daughter with a nice monthly income for likely her lifetime. But not everyone got the same deal. Those people who didn't went in all wide-eyed thinking this was the break that would pull them out of the rural poverty cycle and instead turned out to be the break that bought them a new dirt bike every couple years.


MRG_1977 t1_iykyq68 wrote

$5/acre? That can’t possibly be right.


freshoilandstone t1_iyma27g wrote

Oh it's right all right.

Royalties are the other screwing. Unless you had some idea what you were signing when you signed the lease you could wind up with almost nothing. Besides percentage there's "before expenses/after expenses" language that makes a big difference in the amount that shows up in your mailbox.


Zenith2017 t1_iyi2vbw wrote

Where's the guy who says the water was flammable before fracking lol


Kidgen t1_iyhvp8a wrote

I recently moved to PA. I live in Greene county. We constantly have problems with our water and the water company. We can't drink our tap water, we don't even let our pets have it.


UnfairAd7220 t1_iyhyyst wrote

There's got to be more to the story. Nobody would make those sorts of admissions because now they're open to civil suits.

There's something fishy about this.


DirtyHippyBastard t1_iyigph8 wrote

Your politicians ran on the policy of selling the ability to destroy water supplies for a few pieces of gold, under the guise of energy independence, and now you are mad at the companies who purchased, and not the people who sold you out. These people still hold office, and you think fining these polluters will help?


yelloworchid t1_iyimcja wrote

"drill, drill, drill" signs everywhere too.


Atrocious_1 t1_iyizrgx wrote

Just fill some tankers up and dump the fracking waste in the exec's pool


thomport t1_iyj8qne wrote

Corporations fuck the environment and leave with their profits. Politicians are on the payroll so they have nothing to say until it’s too late.

Look at history in Pennsylvania. What the coal companies did to the environment and rivers, like in wilkes barre. The taxpayer have been paying to remedy the environmental issues long after the coal barons are gone.


CQU617 OP t1_iyjl2qj wrote

That is true. Except in most of these towns looks like will be not live able in 20 years.


thomport t1_iyjrann wrote


Pennsylvania is such a beautiful state too. This is deplorable.


CQU617 OP t1_iyjwivv wrote

You are right Pennsylvania is a great state to live in, low taxes, nice people. Agree 💯💯


Incrarulez t1_iyhup7i wrote

We all headed out for Montrose (near Dimock) and found Smoke on the Water.


CatsCanHasALilSalami t1_iyj7miu wrote

What a disgrace, the benefits don't outweigh the risks, shouldn't be allowed


Shift-Subject t1_iyj8lo6 wrote

If the corporation wasn't ordered to pay more for destroying an entire towns water supply than a youtuber for words that led to harassment, then its not justice.


Phillysean23 t1_iyjx9d0 wrote

Wasn't our new senator pro-fracking forever according to the debates ?


crazypants9 t1_iyjy3vh wrote

Still got away with murder. Corbett let them run wild with no severance tax to the state. Only an impact fee to the counties. Problems are going to come and already this company was sold as it will be again and again. Think of all the money coal companies had to pay to clean up the mess. Good one. They paid zero.


CocoaMotive t1_iykvroa wrote

It's almost like fracking is really bad for the environment, water supply, people, animals, society at large....


Ok-Twist921 t1_iym311n wrote

Justice would be hanging them by their toenails to be human piñatas but what do I know


JacoDaDon t1_iyhu4xt wrote

Thank the Obama administration.

According to the article:

”. . . internal records reveal that since 2012, fossil fuel companies have injected potentially carcinogenic chemicals into the ground while fracking for oil and gas—after the Obama administration approved their use despite EPA scientists' concerns about toxicity.”


Dredly t1_iyhyt1i wrote

First, the well EXPLODED on 1/1/2009 according to the article... so not sure how Obama is involved here? He wasn't president until 3 weeks AFTER the well had already exploded. so thank Bush for this.


As for Obama's ruling, the problem here is first, "potentially carcinogenic". as far as I know the actual recipe of what they use to frack with isn't fully known to the public and there isn't a single combination used, in this case it had nothing at all to do with the material used, and is just fracking in general, they hit a methane pocket and opened it up,

and second: Obama's rulings were the first time companies HAD to disclose what was in their fluid and there HAS been a set standard of what needs to happen with fracking fluids (thanks to Obama btw)... until Trump removed them




So basically, Obama is in no way related to this story, since it happened before him, Bush owns this, and he DID try adding restrictions to the fracking industry, Trump removed them


Blexcr0id t1_iyihixk wrote

We have the republican majority state legislature to thank for the states failure to properly tax/monetize the fracking industry in PA and for the "proprietary" fracking chemical solutions they pump into our drinking water resources.


Dredly t1_iyihqr7 wrote

Not just fracking, logging, oil, mining, etc all have no severance tax :(