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lank81 t1_iyhxsgv wrote

I hate when people don't take down their signs. Obviously the actual representative isn't the issue, but the volunteers/cheerleaders who put them up need to dispose of the signs post election. Maybe if we had a law which said "Past xx days the representative will be fined 1$ per sign per day". If you want to keep your sign in your yard, that's fine, but on roadsides, intersections, and other public areas you should be held to some accountability.


throwaway4206983 t1_iyiiq0q wrote

But you don't think some people would plant even more signs to screw the other candidate?


MrRiski t1_iyk5frd wrote

Yeah that would just turn into the opposing party stealing all signs the day of the election and then putting them up and reporting them the next day


jmdunkle t1_iyhyx7c wrote

I'd like to take this a step further. The losing candidate in any given race is required on the hook for their signs AND the winner's signs. Then slap your fine structure on top of that. Makes the races even higher stakes and ensures cleanup


the_real_xuth t1_iyimcoq wrote

Do we do that with all of the losing candidates? What happens when only one person is on the ballot? What about the write-ins? Can I screw a losing candidate that I loathe by moving a bunch of signs onto public property?


Fearless-Metal5727 t1_iyi1bot wrote

Representative Rossi's Trump house enters the chat


Griswa t1_iyjgh1y wrote

With absolutely zero knowledge in politics. Hey my house is decorated like trump. Boom, win.

There was a guy running for county commissioner a couple years ago, that believes in aliens, and at the polling station was wearing Trump shoes and a jacket. He almost won. Not because of anything he believed in, but because he was a diehard Trump person. Outside of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Pennsylvania really is Kentucky


[deleted] t1_iykfrme wrote



lank81 t1_iyktxgm wrote

I’ve seen quite a few billboards in SWPA for Trump over the last 8 years.


Sharkfowl t1_iyk28rs wrote

That would almost certainly result in a 1st amendment related lawsuit.


Knurlurzhad t1_iykun4k wrote

there are fucking Bognet signs in Wayne County still up from 2018.


IFitsWhenISits t1_iyigqm6 wrote

It shouldn’t be allowed period. Unless the signs are related to a current ongoing election there shouldn’t be any signs allowed anywhere on personal property or public unless that’s your vehicle with your pity party bumper sticker.
