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RipTide275 t1_iyki4oq wrote

Because he’s a fucking moron. When you create more regulations in businesses that increases costs which gets passed to consumers. Also govt spending is inflationary, so sending billions of taxpayer dollars overseas along with other massive spending causes inflation. That’s your Econ lesson for today kid. Get lost now


ItsjustJim621 t1_iykig15 wrote

So corporate greed has nothing to do with it?

Early November of 2010, a barrel of oil was roughly $86/barrel and gas was around $3/gallon.

Early November 2022, a barrel of oil was roughly $85/barrel and gas is close to $4/gallon.

There’s your Econ lesson for the day which renders your talking point useless. Get fucked, boomer


RipTide275 t1_iykjc6z wrote

Thanks for making my point, read again exactly what I just posted. Those regulatory costs are being passed on by the companies. Goodnight little soy boy. Ask mommy for more allowance


jballs2213 t1_iykpxx9 wrote

He’s the SoY bOY but you’re deleting all your comments lol.


RipTide275 t1_iykrzlg wrote

Not me brother,must be some liberal moderator that likes to suppress conservative opinions


ItsjustJim621 t1_iyksgsg wrote

So you just admitted that everything you said was opinion, not fact. Got it.


jballs2213 t1_iyksfgl wrote

Your opinions are stupid. I’ve also never felt more offended by the use of brother lol.


RipTide275 t1_iyku617 wrote

You’re very easily offended. What are your pronouns?


jballs2213 t1_iyky3qp wrote

I don’t have pronouns,but I also don’t get upset by people that do. Funny you call us the snowflakes but PRoNouNs ArE SCarY!!!


yeags86 t1_iykkd7a wrote

The amount sent to Ukraine is nothing compared to PPP and the stimulus checks which (expect one stimulus check) happened under Trump. The guy who promised to eliminate the federal debt and ended up adding significantly to it.

You don’t know fuck all about economics, just what talking head economics have to say. Here’s a hint - those talking heads want your money and will lie to you in order to get it.


RipTide275 t1_iykkxpd wrote

Trumps still living in your head. Rent free.


yeags86 t1_iykm57p wrote

Brilliant argument to refute my points.

Have you not done “your own research”?