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MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iykz354 wrote

Surgically transitioning before age 18 is a separate issue with admitted potential to do harm. And it’s exceptionally rare. No, you feel entitled to control other people’s choices and identities.

“Leftist,” huh? Lol. Nope. A civil libertarian. Remember that?

What exactly is the “one hell of a fight” going to be about? Again, lol.


Caution999 t1_iykzm6a wrote

I feel like puberty shapes a lot of what we will become and isn't an enemy of humans.

"one hell of a fight" = simple information warfare, engaging in debate.

I don't care what grown adults do to their bodies as long as it's legal. I do care about protecting innocent, children, sure. sue me.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iyl02tv wrote

Well, we probably mostly agree then. Wait. Did we just potentially reach an agreement as a result of a Reddit conversation? Awesome! Hey, maybe Americans don’t fit neatly into political categories? Well 🖖 …


Caution999 t1_iyl1sqv wrote

You’re right. I did come in with a chip on my shoulder when I shouldn’t have. My apologies.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iyomfap wrote

No worries!

We (Americans) should convene a national town hall. It would be wild here and there, but I’d say overall we could get a lot done on things like immigration, abortion, LGBTQ rights and so on. Most people are decent, sensible and reasonable, even if many are prone to believing conspiracy theories regarding “stolen elections” and the like.