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MatrixPA t1_iyr9847 wrote

When I was taking anatomy, they made it very clear to us that we need to be respectful of our cadavers. They were people who had lives and families. We even had the school chaplain pray over them to reinforce the seriousness of the situation. It was an honor to have an actual cadaver to dissect and not have to learn our anatomy in a book (before internet was in general use). I heard rumors of things that had happened in the past but our group was very careful. I hope this reinforces to others how serious this is.


suestrong315 t1_iyrr407 wrote

My son is 12 and they are doing dissection in science and they made it extremely clear that these things (whatever they were dissecting) were once living creatures and needed to be respected, and there would be zero tolerance for anything less. We had to sign and read over several forms about what it meant to respect a dissection specimen, and this is for things like a bovine eye and owl pellets


BigMoose9000 t1_iys2a9o wrote

An owl pellet, which is literally a turd, I think it's OK to have a little fun with.


suestrong315 t1_iys9twb wrote

My son was all for the owl pellet. He got to keep all the bones he pulled out of it, they're in a little plastic specimen container with some cotton


susinpgh t1_iys7ubs wrote

I hope the chaplain understood the individuals spiritual preferences in regard to prayer. My dad was an atheist.


MatrixPA t1_iyva012 wrote

Actually, I am an atheist as well. It was meant as an act of respect for the people that donated their bodies so we could learn how to take care of the living and we all felt it was a wonderful gesture.


susinpgh t1_iyvdvx5 wrote

My father is dead. It would have been disrespectful for the chaplain to say a prayer over him. My mother went against his wishes when he was on his death bed and had a priest come in to give him his last rites. I would have stopped them if I had been there.


sewerrpunk t1_iytu0an wrote

I like that you're getting downvoted.

The "freedom of religion" crowd doesn't like when that applies to anyone but them. 🙄


susinpgh t1_iyve6qp wrote

Yes, it looks like you're getting your fair share, too.. Freedom of also means freedom from. I'm agnostic, myself. My dad and I had several discussions about belief systems throughout his life. His ideas didn't change on his death bed.


sewerrpunk t1_iywyt5b wrote

And isn't it funny that we're in a thread where everyone's talking about the sanctity of one's bodily autonomy post mortem yet expressing concern for the disregard of peoples' religious freedoms/choices gets downvoted? :)

Just because I don't believe that I'll experience these actions once I die doesn't mean I want my body defiled with rituals I don't believe in/approve of for myself.

Stay classy Pennsylvania.


susinpgh t1_iyx7a4j wrote

Thank you for saying this. It broke my heart that my mother proceeded with last rites on my dad's death bed. He was a staunch atheist throughout his life. It's difficult for the spiritual to comprehend the utter rejection of an atheist for spiritual rituals.


sewerrpunk t1_iyxdyj3 wrote

I'm so sorry to hear that. Luckily, the one form of faith I have is in our progress as a race. I do believe that some day others won't have to put up with this level of disrespect and subsequent dejection.

I'm obviously not spiritual or religious in any way, but I do believe that people can find their place in the universe and for those of us who experience these forms of disregard, our place can be to educate others on the importance of respecting others even when they aren't around to experience the outcome.

Stay well :)


susinpgh t1_iyxgqx7 wrote

Yes, that's the issue, isn't it? The choice to adhere to spiritualism, or the rejection of it. Accepting all beliefs, without judgement, is the foundation. Thank you again for your kindness and understanding.

I wish you the very best in your journey.


Live_Ad_1879 t1_iyrlmva wrote

No it doesn't. There are no facts here.


Financial_Lime_252 t1_iyroob4 wrote

Is this one of the suspect’s Reddit account?


popisfizzy t1_iyrpaun wrote

I think they're just unhinged. Take a real quick look over their post history and it's pretty apparent