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IntoTheMirror t1_iysb94a wrote

It sure is still there. It’s preserved, and they run a good haunted house around Halloween.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_iyv8yo5 wrote

It's kinda fucked up they do a haunted house at a place where kids were abused and killed, when you think about it.


mikeylb93 t1_iysigrv wrote

When it’s not a Halloween attraction they let you stay overnight and do “paranormal” investigations. They allow you into 3 of the buildings, the rest are closed off probably due to deteriorating construction/unsafe air quality issues like mold. My ex and I had an absolutely blast running around there one night exploring. Convinced her to turn off the flashlight in the basement and just stand still, it was interesting, maybe it’s just the heavy concrete and overall oppressive architecture of the space but you could really feel a sense of uneasiness down there!


[deleted] OP t1_iysfky2 wrote

We came across it when I was trying to follow the River from roads. It’s beyond surreal.

We didn’t go in, but found the entire area spooky


DesignSilver1274 t1_iyslhuu wrote

I visited Pennhurst as a student nurse. Very sad.


CrzyDave t1_iysmwv6 wrote

We used to explore it in the ‘90s. Everyone just left. There is a morgue, laboratories, dentist room, and underground tunnels. It was fun, but really creepy. My wife’s grandfather was a doctor there.


signedpants t1_iysqicp wrote

About 20 years ago, it was a fun place to break into and deink/smoke when you were in high school


haileyhurley t1_iytxyrz wrote

I visited a year ago and did a historic tour. They’re trying to restore it and make it more into a museum and educate people. They also do a haunted house in one of the buildings


[deleted] OP t1_iysdpc3 wrote

It’s still there and you can take yours thete


beetrootbolognese t1_iyvgx76 wrote

They run Halloween haunted tours that let you rent out ghost hunting equipment as well as a monthly historic tour. When I went for the historic, two former employees from 60s/70s led the first half of the tour. Very interesting!


PrincessGwyn t1_iytj6cm wrote

It’s an AMAZING haunted house, def check it out. Super spooky walking up to it, the whole place is eerie and one of a kind.

There are several buildings still standing, but only a couple that they use for haunted house, paranormal tours and ghost hunts.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_izhp168 wrote

It’s messed up. Families would literally drop off their disabled relatives there and come back to visit for 20 minutes at Christmas and Easter.

But sure… let’s make it a haunted attraction because capitalism. 🤦🏼‍♀️