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ryan17tannehill t1_iysj95l wrote

I think I see you driving around sometimes. Usually in a Nissan or G35


[deleted] OP t1_iysje3v wrote

With cars and technology today, we should definitely have a higher speed limit. But there’s too many boomers in PA who are always driving under the speed limit.


tideblue t1_iysjflt wrote

PA's roads can barely handle the traffic needs of today, and you want to increase speeds?


spicynuggies t1_iysjism wrote

No, there's a ton of deer, and I don't want to get ran over by dumbasses going fast.

Not to mention the amount of shipping traffic from all the tractor trailers coming off all the warehouses in PA.


Lawmonger t1_iysjlr3 wrote

How many people will die in accidents as a result?


somberblurb t1_iysjp1k wrote

I wouldn't increase speed limits on rural roads, but highways yes.


divacphys t1_iysjw73 wrote

Increasing speed limit from 55-80 will increase fatalities by 25% as well as reducing MPG by 30%. All so you can can reduce a 15 minute drive by 2 minutes.


tinob20 t1_iysjw5m wrote

Op's name checks out...


[deleted] OP t1_iysk9ea wrote

I miss lockdowns. i81 was completely empty and I was always doing 100+ to get to work. Cops weren’t pulling anyone over because they were afraid of COVID. But you’re right, when it all lifted, accidents were through the roof!


Dramatic_Pipe164 t1_iyskcq0 wrote

sounds like you total about one car a year. slow the fuck down dumbass


OptmstcExstntlst t1_iyskel1 wrote

80 as the speed limit is berzerk. Columbia County's portion of Rte 80 is 70 now and that's working well, but 80mph would be bonkers with the number of tractor trailers around.


wings14036 t1_iyskjx5 wrote

I design highways as a career. Roads are designed for a specific speed and you can’t arbitrary increase the speed limit especially if the geometry doesn’t meet the criteria for that speed.


Apprehensive-Gas1324 t1_iyskzo7 wrote

It's 25 in residential because people live there.... can your car even go over 120 lmfao


[deleted] OP t1_iysleib wrote

Bro my Jetta has seen 40mpg at 80mph. Also, my Jetta is really smooth when I’m cruising at 80+ and the handling is amazing. The only time i slow down is because some dumbass wants to do the speed limit in the left lan


[deleted] OP t1_iyslwyy wrote

Can’t count how many times I had to avoid a boomer because they drift into my lane with no signal and then slow down, they don’t look when they merge. They’re fucking clueless. It’s like a 17yo learning how to drive expect they drive so fucking slow.


AFD_0 t1_iysmhmb wrote

Why? Are you one of those guys that likes to tailgate everyone going the limit, but are always too afraid to actually pass them?


SewSpooky t1_iysmini wrote

You sound like a 16 year old that just learned how to drive


spicynuggies t1_iysmrco wrote

Sorry I don't want my fight or flight instinct triggered by some dipshit who thinks they're hot shit for going 100+

Maybe slow down and you won't have to worry about being in a potentially fatal crash? These things are not out of your control.


Low-Public-9948 t1_iysnkhy wrote

I could see highways going to 70, but 25-35 speed limits are generally only where more foot traffic is. Maybe if everyone wasn’t in such a hurry and could relax a little, it wouldn’t be an issue.


aj1337h t1_iythuwf wrote

Even if you got a nice maintained whip you got to consider what other people are driving (hoop D, dump truck, school bus.)


Donotaskmedontellme t1_iytiqe9 wrote

I very nearly got creamed and witnessed a car get run the fuck over by an 18 wheeler because the dumbass merged onto 30 AT 30. So, when it's causing accidents, it needs to be addressed. Had I not been a witness, the police would have treated it as a rear end collision with the trucker at fault, but it was decided to be an unsafe merger.