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Working-Nectarine800 t1_iywzzto wrote

Even if it were true (it's not), it would be a very efficient way to do it.


Jtk317 t1_iz0sq3e wrote

What is this for then?


Working-Nectarine800 t1_iz18vou wrote

My own interest


Jtk317 t1_iz1wh1b wrote

If just this answer, then this might just seem a little odd. Your other response with the rambling and mocking high schoolers makes you seem like kind of a jerk. Not sure if that was your intent or not but just comes across as dismissive of others.

If you're looking to move to PA or something, then just say that. If not, then it is just a really odd set of questions. Good luck finding answers.


Working-Nectarine800 t1_iz1aqam wrote

>By the way, if you think I'm trying to ask these obscure questions because I somehow plan to use them on some weird, non-existent assignment: not true. You may believe me or not. I'm an economics and accounting major attending college in Missouri. There is no class I could take where this information would be remotely relevant. And no this isn't some god-awful high school assignment where the teacher says do a book report on another state. No high schooler on earth would inquire with this type of depth about PA. They would just squirm around and say, "PA is in the Northeast, aaaand there's Philadelphia where the Constitutional Convention was, aaand it gets all four seasons, aaand can I use the bathroom now?"